Idol Dish

All the Dish that's fit to print about American Idol!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Overhaul the Voting System

Apparently, the voting system in Florida isn't the only one that needs overhauling. American Idol could really use a tweak.

I was thinking about limiting the number of times people could vote, but that too is easily manipulated, because people have access to too many lines, and the truly "devoted" will always find a way...

Our reader Christine put forth this idea:

I Truely feel that they need to change the Judging and voting, I think what they should do is that the bottom 3 that are picked by fans should on the vote off show have to sing for the judges again, then the judges pick the contestant they feel should go home.

So.. we vote, then the bottom 3 duke it out in front of the judges on elimination night, and the judges choose.

Or... as Elisabeth Hasselbeck just suggested on The View, make the people put their money where their dialing fingers are, and have downloads available for sale - whoever sells the most wins. Since dialing is one thing, but actually reaching into your pocket is something else entirely.

Or... To go 1 step further with Christine's thought, how about the public chooses the bottom 2, the judges get to choose the 3rd, and the live audience get to pick from those 3 on little keypads from their seats?

What are your thoughts?? Something's gotta change. Seriously.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

American Idol Elimination Results Show 3-28

Sigh... Sanjaya's safe. So which deserving AI hopeful will be unceremoniously dumped this week?

I'm disgusted. Sanjaya's safe, and Chris Sligh is eliminated??? What the hell parallel universe am I living in? Uch.

We are quite possibly approaching the end of American Idol. If vftw and Stern have their way, Sanjaya will win, all the real fans will walk, and so will Simon.

Note to Nigel: It's time to rig the votes. Enough is enough.

Better yet, limit the amount of times people can vote, so there's a more accurate accounting of who is truly popular vs who has fans with unlimited time to dial.

...And then there were 9.

I'm tagging this to the bottom of my results post, lest someone think this blog is run by tonedeaf adolescent imbeciles. OK... I've removed the name of the poster to protect the innocent, but I had to share this with all those (myself included) who are mystified by the Sanjaya madness.... This is not a joke... someone just posted this bulletin on myspace.


Check it out:

YAY!! Sanjaya is safe!! I did it again this week! But i am sad because Chris Sligh was one of my fave guys but only one person is gonna win American Idol anyways. GO SANJAYA!! hehe I LOVE SANJAYA and BLAKE! Oh and Sanjaya should've stayed and he did. Trying to tell me Sanjaya should've went home- YEAH RIGHT!

YAY!! Blake! That's my daddy (hehe)

I'll miss ya Chris!! :(

Chris Sligh has an AMAZING voice and an AMAZING personality...I wonder if he made David Hasselhoff cry? LMAO- He should still be on Idol! :(

Unbelievable, right?! There was more... but I'll spare ya.

OK.. on the bright side, I got a ton of work accomplished today for my Relay for Life! WooHoo!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


PHONE 1-866-436-57_ _ OR TEXT THE WORD 'VOTE' TO 57_ _


  • RANDY: It was good to see you sing an uptempo song.
  • PAULA: You did Donna Summer proud.
  • SIMON: Love those boots! You're 30 years younger this week. Great vocal.
  • GOLDIE: I always like Lakisha! Great vocal and performance, but she is just not my American Idol.


  • RANDY: Good song choice. The biggest problem was the band was in one tempo and you were at another.
  • PAULA: Vocally it was nice, but the tempo....feel the beat.
  • SIMON: I thought it was a this stage it needs to be better. The song did not suit you and it did not feel right.
  • GOLDIE: Much better song choice for him. I love his voice, but he just does not seem to be polished like he needs to be for me.


  • RANDY: This was your best performance ever! Perfect song for you.
  • PAULA: You are improving each week....the song showed your vocal!
  • SIMON: That was your best performance. The best performance so far tonight!
  • GOLDIE: This is my favorite Gina performance!! Great song choice for her! My favorite so far!!


  • RANDY: I'm speechless every's weird...interesting hair.
  • PAULA: If you had the could sing and fit the wackiness of the mohawk...but you're not doing it.
  • SIMON: I presume there was no mirror in your dressing room. I don't think it matters anymore what we say and you are in your own universe so good luck!
  • GOLDIE: Go home, Sanjaya! Stop murdering music!


  • RANDY: It started was just kind of didn't grab me...pitchy moments.
  • PAULA: It's a beautiful song and the melody should just be sung. You overdid it.
  • SIMON: Sweet, but forgettable! Thousands of girls all over this country could do that...too safe and you are going to have to do better!
  • GOLDIE: This is the only person, other than Sanjaya that I would like to see leave. Her legs are nice, but if that's all you've got....model pantyhose!


  • RANDY: I actually kind of liked've got that big voice but you didn't push it and I liked it.
  • PAULA: Good song choice and the chorus was good, but the verses are to safe.
  • SIMON: I thought that was very good. Great choice of song. This is the first time that I think you've shown you're serious about this competition!
  • GOLDIE: He starts too timid for me and gets stronger, but I'm ready for him to blow me away, but I get tired of waiting for the 'wow'!


  • RANDY: You sing with live the song...that was the bomb again!
  • PAULA: You tell the story from the first note.
  • SIMON: Vocally, as usual, outstanding...but I hate the outfit!
  • GOLDIE: I'm out of adjectives for Melinda.....all I can say is PERFECTION....(guess who I'm voting for)


  • RANDY: Not my perfect song choice for you, but I liked it.
  • PAULA: I loved what you did with the song. You are original.
  • SIMON: Definitely the strongest guy in the competition. You've got to be careful not to be too indulgent. For sure you are the front running guy.
  • GOLDIE: I like Blake, but I'll be honest it was a bit pitchy for me, but he's still gave a solid performance and has a really good voice. I think he's the best guy in the competition for me!


  • RANDY: That was a very risky song to do, you could sing anything.
  • PAULA: You're adorable. I love seeing you in this kind of mode.
  • SIMON: The most improved contestant in the competition.
  • GOLDIE: I really like Jordin. She's fun, but this was not a good choice for her vocally.


  • RANDY: That was interesting..good flavor...not the best vocal! That was good.
  • PAULA: You're good!
  • SIMON: This was a better choice, great arrangement, but the vocal was not that great and you struggled and you need to pay more attention on your vocals.
  • GOLDIE: I like the choices he makes and the chances he takes, but the pitchiness is sooo bad that I got a little distracted. He needs to watch his vocals.

Monday, March 26, 2007

I'm Baa-aaack.....and ENGAGED!!!

Hi All!!!

Carolyn is right! I had a huge weekend! Actually, a huge week. First of all......I'M ENGAGED!!!! The love of my life proposed to me Thursday (3/15) before we left for NYC the following morning to meet up with some of his family. It was the sweetest proposal....the kind everyone dreams of. Then we get stuck in a "nor-easter" in the north east!

We were the last plane to arrive in Newark, NJ. As we approached the landing, it looked like a scene from a movie about plane crashes because of all the emergency vehicles on the ground waiting. I looked out the window and back at my fiance and told him I loved him. He laughed and said that it couldn't be that bad, looked out the window and then professed his love for me as well! Obviously we made it. (Anyone ever hydroplane in a plane.....not fun!!)

I'm from Louisiana and even if it doesn't snow, but there is a cloud in the sky, a good stiff breeze and the possibility of a snowflake.....we close down everything! I knew when the all transportation in the north had was bad news!

After sitting on the tarmac for 2 hours waiting for the airport to de-ice a plane to move it away from the gate so we could pull our plane to the gate to get off, waiting an additional hour and a half for our luggage....we finally made it to the hotel (woohoo for reservations!!) The airport was sooooo looked like Times Square on New Year's Eve and Newark is not the biggest airport I've been to.

I saw Alan Thicke (for those who don't know, he played the dad on "Growing Pains") and he was very appreciative that I didn't cause a stampede. I didn't even bother him for a picture:( (Hey, I used to love his show and I get very excited about seeing celebrities......just ask the 2005 American Idol contestants I met at the finale week that year.....but that is a whole other story I may have to tell you guys about before this season ends! I always have interesting adventures!)

Saturday, we spent the day sightseeing in NYC and then on to the Pocono Mountains in PA that night for a family visit. We were supposed to be back the 21st, but due to many complications ...we arrived back at 4am the 25th. We still had a blast and I would do it all over again, but without the part where we got stranded in PA forever....(it seemed forever before it was over). Oh, and I found the "hill" that the old timers talk about when they say "when I was kid, I used to walk to school in knee deep snow up-hill both ways"......yeah....found that does exist!!

Can't wait for Tuesday night....missed the show last week...well, postponed seeing it for a bit (thank God for VCR's) and will be here blogging for every bit of it! Thanks to Carolyn and Carla who allowed me to "slack-off" for a week!! (Love you both!!) "See" the rest of you during the show!

Goldie soon-to-be McGill

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Results Show 3-21

I fell for it along with everyone else when Sanjaya, Haley and Gina were told to stand up, and I thought, "Oh no... Gina..." cuz of the whole vote for the worst factor for Sanjaya and, well, Haley's legs, which are now gonna get her the Antonella vote, as if the Krum bumpkin's weekly bulletin's weren't enough... but then they were safe.

Which leaves Chris Richardson and Stephanie Edwards. Chris has huge fan support, so this one's a pretty easy call. I predicted it a couple weeks ago - that she would be the first diva to fall, and.. lol. I was wrong. But then I said it last night:

    Carolyn: ...Stephanie needs to be singing the up tempo songs until she gets a more solid fan base that will support her no matter what. I think this song may actually be her downfall.

It's a shame, really. Stephanie is tremendously talented. For some reason, though, the audience just didn't click with her enough to dial themselves into a tizzy. And then there's the stupidity factor: vote for the worst--- so Sanjaya's safe another week. Whatta load of crap.

I wish they would divulge the top 3, instead of just the bottom. That is far more interesting to me. I mean, I check dialidol, but they admittedly have a margin of error, and I'd like to hear it direct from the source.

What are your thoughts? Please leave us a comment and let us know. :)

Incase all the above doesn't make it crystal clear: Stephanie is out.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The Top 11

PHONE 1-866-436-57_ _ OR TEXT THE WORD 'VOTE' TO 57_ _

01 : Haley Scarnato "Tell Him"

Randy: Perfect song for you. Your best performance.
Paula: The flirtation side of you was great.
Simon: You naughty little thing. Different side to you.
Carolyn: Simon's gonna do some dialing tonight. Haley dancing around in shorts with legs to the sky is enough to make any record exec punch in a few digits... while he counts his dollars.


Randy: That was another great performance. Every note was in tune. One of your best vocals yet.
Paula: It's all about being smart with your choices... very smart, sexy, charming.
Simon: I think that was your best performance ever, Your control on the song was excellent. Most importantly, you didn't make the song sound old fashioned.
Carolyn: For me, just ok. He's lovely to look at, but the song didn't thrill me.

Randy: It was a little pitchy for me. When you get to ballads, it's harder.
Paula: I love what you're wearing. I think you did pick a right song. You're a great singer. I want you to have fun.
Simon: How do you think you did? ("I thought I did well.")I think you are losing your edge. I think you're losing your soul. It was good cabaret, and I don't think thats you. I miss the passion, the rawness.
Carolyn: I wasn't jazzing on her either. I wish I was, but this song just didn't do it for me, and I'm concerned... I think Stephanie needs to be singing the up tempo songs until she gets a more solid fan base that will support her no matter what. I think this song may actually be her downfall.


Randy: you made the song really current. brilliant, baby, brilliant.
Paula: i think you have really really raised the bar. i felt like i was at a concert.
Simon: a million times better than last week. i think this week you chose the right song, and you found a way of making it contemporary without changing the melody. strongest performance so far.
Carolyn: acid trip circa 2007. he owned it. i just wasn't really buying. very pleasant... maybe i'm just cranky. i did love how he changed the meaning of "who's your daddy" in the song.
At this point, I just wanna hear Melinda. I'm tired of waiting through the rest of em.


Randy: I didn't feel enough Lakisha in it. It was just alright for me.
Paula: I think you made the right choice, and you're a very very smart girl.
Simon: This was Lakisha in 50 years time, in my opinion. Too old, too old fashioned.
Carolyn: ok.. NOW the show has truly begun. LaKisha was all over this song. Just wonderful. Now if only we could get her to smile during a performance. Again, kudos to the stylist, but as a jewelry designer, I must pipe in - that was not 1 million in diamonds. Not even close. Stop lyin' to the girl.


Randy: It was a pretty good performance for me. I always like your upper register.
Paula: I actually think it was a real good choice of songs. The emotion of the song... I liked hearing the range of your voice.
Simon: I wasn't crazy about it. It was kind of a 3rd division bar band performance. I don't hear any grit in your voice, and you need it to sing this song. It has to be believable, and I think you may be in trouble tonight.
Carolyn: I'm not liking anyone much tonight - Phil's no different. For me, just ok. Not offensive. Just not superstar material tonight.


Randy: One of the best we're gonna see tonight.
Paula: A good singer is a good singer, and you're also a wondferful performer.
Simon: You sang it beautifully, but I feel like jumping off a bridge. I just want the sun to shine again.
Carolyn: I adore this girl... more every time we see her. Curly hair, straight hair.. no matter. Jordin is personality plus, very smart, and with a great set of pipes. I love you too, Jordin, and so did the live audience, with every single one of them on their feet.

BRANDON ROGERS.. no.. wait.. he was dumped for Shirley Temple. (snort)

Randy: Your really shocked me tonight. Your best performance to date.
Paula: (does it really matter?)
Simon: I think the little girl's face said it all.
Carolyn: Sanjaya a la Nine Inch Nails. He didn't suck, and his hair is back to normal, which I like. Question is, the little girl they showed crying... did someone just tell her he's gay? Very sweet of him to go give her a hug.


Randy: Just alright for me.
Paula: Miles better than last week.
Simon: There were moments of complete torture in that vocal. It was so off melody at moments, it was just horrible.
Carolyn: OK.. Gina won me over tonight. I couldn't disagree more with the judges tonight. She could release this song. Gina reads blogs. She's growing on me. ;)

10 CHRIS SLIGH: "Lemme Tell you 'Bout The Way She Looked..."
Randy: I enjoyed it.
Paula: I like the fact you're working the audience.
Simon: It was fun. Good choice of song for you. You showed personality and you did a lot better than last week.
Carolyn: I'm a Chris fan. I wanted to like this performance. It's good to want things... sigh. He seemed really nervous to me tonight. Nervous and pasty. The voice was pleasant, but he seemed really awkward traversing the audience. He didn't connect with anyone... least of all me.


11 MELINDA DOOLITTLE: "As Long as He Needs Me"
Randy: You are a pro up there. We saved the best for last.
Paula:You are in your own league, my dear. it's not forced, it just is.
Simon: Are you really as nice as you seem? You made the 2nd part of the song sensational, with an impeccable vocal.
Carolyn: I can understand none of the other idol contestants wanting to follow Melinda, but must we wait through 10 lesser vocalists to get to the real deal??? See y'all later.. I gotta go dial 11!

Happy Idol Tuesday

Wow! What a weekend in the land of the dishchicks! I did an art festival, and sold tons of jewelry... even got some on tv. :) Check out the ring this reporter's wearing. Woohoo! She said she would send me the full video clip, so hopefully I'll be able to share that soon. :) The cameraman showed all my goodies. It was really terrific - I had people coming up to me all day telling me they'd seen me on NBC that morning, and of course, ordering the ring she was wearing.. and buying lots of others. :)

Goldie had a huge weekend too... I'll let her tell ya all about it herself! ;)

Carla's praying for the end of tax season so she can breathe! Only a couple more weeks to go, hon!! You can do it!!!

Yayyy! It's Tuesday. Time for American Idol! :) Here's my wish: hasta la vista Sanjaya. The only way to make it happen is to outvote the show spoilers. They vote like it's their job for those 2 hours the phone lines are open. If we want him gone, we have to do the same.... only not for him, of course.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Results Show 1

Sometimes I really hate it when I'm right. This is one of those times... and adding insult to the injury of being ousted whilst standing next to someone far less talented, the control booth lost track of time and Brandon didn't even get to sing his swan song on air.


OK, going backwards a bit, I did enjoy the Diana Ross number, and what looked very much like the passing of the torch from her Royal Ross-ness to Melinda Doolittle. Did anyone else get that? When Miss Ross was singing and went directly to Melinda, and stood there embracing her to the exclusion of all others.

Melinda & Brandon

We're 20 minutes away from the start of tonight's results show, and I'm sitting here listening to Melinda Doolittle's past performances on youtube, and just feeling so blessed. Blessed by her voice, and by my good fortune to be a witness to the birth of her career as a soloist. As bad as some of the contestants are, there's always Melinda, and when she takes the stage, we know we're in for a treat.

Which brings me to Brandon. I thought it was going to be the same with him, with his years of experience as a backup singer just waiting to break out. He had such an amazing audition, and though I gave him many chances, and hundreds of votes, he's never lived up to it again, and I'm done. I can no longer say to myself, he's just having an off week, or he'll bring it next time, because honestly, I think tonight's it for him.

He has incredible potential, but it's painfully clear he just isn't ready to be the frontman just yet. He is by no means the worst on the show, and if life was fair, Sanjaya/Shirley Temple (last night) would be packing tonight, but Brandon hasn't delivered and, perhaps more importantly, hasn't connected with the audience.

I just wish it weren't true.


Who would you send home tonight?

Chris Sligh
Chris Richardson
Haley Scarnato
Gina Glocksen
Melinda Doolittle
Jordin Sparks

(View Results)

Create a Poll

Just My Opinion!!

Has America had enough yet???? I can only cross my fingers, hold my breath and pray, but somehow, I have a feeling we will be keeping Sanjaya for at another week of torturous non-singing ability! Come on people.....he didn't even get what Simon was saying last night...of course it could have been because Diana Ross was 'wailing' so loudly that it drowned out Simon's voice!

I'm not sure why anyone would go with someone who is on, but each season, we have the least talented person 'beat out' the real talent due to some idiot's thought of a joke! Anyone remember Kelly Pickler? How about John Stevens? Both somewhat talented with a sweet disposition to boot, but did they really shine on Idol? NO!!!

This week I'm afraid of who will be going home because I don't think the right one will leave! I predict the bottom 3 to be Brandon Rogers, Stephanie Edwards and either Chris Sligh or Chris Richardson. Either Brandon or Stephanie will leave. Which, should not happen if the votes were actually based on singing ability! Of course, Idol is always unpredictable and can't really be measured by the busy signal or lack of. The real bottom 3 should include Sanjaya and Haley, with either going home...preferably Sanjaya, but we all know how this will turn out! Especially if a certain rejected wannabe country Idol contestant that didn't make it to the final groups has her way with the votes for Haley!

Let's just all think happy, positive thoughts! See you at the results show tonight! Goldie.....out!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


YAY!!! It's finally here......the real competition is starting! Hits by Diana Ross are the choices for the evening and I'm a little more than excited to find out which contestant chose which song. I don't know if it's just me, but I can't imagine Chris Sligh singing something like "Stop In The Name Of Love", even if his hair is a bit like Diana Ross. This should be interesting, to say the least!!

PHONE 1-866-436-57_ _ OR TEXT THE WORD 'VOTE' TO 57_ _


  • Randy: You reverted back into a background singer for me. The last 2 notes of the song sounded like you wanted to be out front, but dawg...that was terrible.
  • Paula: It's not easy to do what you do and I know nerves play a big part of all of this and you do many things right and I believe you'll grow into this.
  • Simon: That was a complete letdown. Predictable version, predictable arrangement, the dancing was terrible. You came across and a background's singer background singer. No originality whatsoever.
  • Goldie: I just love Brandon and I want him to go far, but I'm worried that he's just not shining like I think he really can and with so many other really stronger voices...(Melinda and Lakisha).....he needs to do a lot more than he's done. This could be his last night...(that breaks my heart)!


  • Randy: I don't know if it was my favorite performance of yours, but it was still really good!
  • Paula: (tearfully) Watching you is such joy! This is it for you!
  • Simon: You've even made that song fantastic! You remind me of a young Gladys Knight..very good!
  • Goldie: I have chills and I'm crying! I can only say one thing......PERFECTION!!!! Do we really need to continue on with this competition? (just for reference....yes, I'll be asking this same question each week until she wins!) Is she not just a breath of fresh air? She makes me want to sing!


  • Randy: The bad part of that for me was the Coldplay style of that, you have a good voice, but that was a mess for me.
  • Paula: That song is so recognizable and you try too hard to be ultra hip. Worry less about trying to fit in a contemporary style.
  • Simon: You turned a beautiful song into something else, You have a good voice, but that was not good.
  • Goldie: I really like his voice! I'm still waiting for him to blow my socks off....not there yet! At least he takes a chance each week!


  • Randy: Once again for me, it wasn't my favorite for you, but it was pitchy in spots. It was boring for me. It lacked charisma.
  • Paula: I feel that you are much better than how you did tonight. You were shouting and your pitch and enunciation was off at times.
  • Simon: It was ok. There's not much you can say about this performance. You chose the right song for you. This style suits you, but it was a little bit forgettable.
  • Goldie: I like Gina and I'm so glad she finally made it into the top 12. I really hope she stays around for a while because we need a rocker chick! Her vocals aren't strong as some of the others, but she still has star quality!


  • Randy: I really do not know what to say! wasn't very good! That was almost unlistenable for me! I like your different hair every week!
  • Paula: Your smile warms people's hearts. You just gotta let go and explode with your vocals now!
  • Simon: When you hear a wail in Beverly Hills....that is where Diana is watching the show. The only thing similar was the hair.
  • Goldie: Did he try to have Diana's hair tonight? That's the only thing that was similar! I can promise....that I would do my best to get across a river or a mountain if it meant getting away from his singing!!! He sooooooo needs to go home!


  • Randy: You gave it a valiant effort, you sounded nervous when you started.
  • Paula: You look lovely tonight. It's a brand new day and forgetting the words is not a great thing to do and your pitch.....horrible.
  • Simon: I didn't think it was that bad. To give you credit, we will remember you now, you have real presence up there. If you can just hold it together, you may do better than I thought you would do! I'm very impressed with your star quality on the stage.
  • Goldie: Even though this was probably her best performance to date.....can I have the tiara please? Oh...wait...different show! (but somehow...same bad talent!) (My poor Pickles is using 4 letter words) I wouldn't lose sleep if she left either!


  • Randy: The coolest thing for get the boy's award to night....your vocals were really good!
  • Paula: You have strong vocals.
  • Simon: It was ok. Very good choice for you, but when you go for the big notes, you tend to shout!
  • Goldie: This guy can really sing, but he just seems to not get momentum until the song is almost over...then blows it out! He did much better tonight for me than in the past...especially after last week!


  • Randy: Perfect song choice, I love the outfit and vocals were could have easily overdone that with that big ole voice....sensational!
  • Paula: You look beautiful and your vocals were so great.
  • Simon: You've either got it or you haven''ve got it! You and Melinda are in a class by yourselves! Outstanding!
  • Goldie: How beautiful!! She looks amazing...she sounds amazing...she's just amazing!


  • Randy: I'm a huge fan...there was some good things about it. You don't have to "Blakize" every song. You are a great performer, sometimes let the classics be the classics!
  • Paula: You could have a hit with that a're a real good singer, too!
  • Simon: I didn't get that at all. I understand why you wanted your own take on it, but it didn't work changing it like that. You didn't sound as good as we've heard. You'll be ok, though.
  • Goldie: He is so much fun!! He makes me want to dance and always brings a smile to my face! Great arrangement! I think he will have a career after this no matter what happens, but hopefully he will stick around for a while!


  • Randy: It's been an interesting night with all of the lyrics forgotten. Perfect choice for you, but the vocals weren't as great as they could have been. Wasn't your best.
  • Paula: You have strong vocals, but strive for better.
  • Simon: It was a strange arrangement by teasing the audience and never delivering. Wasn't your best and you really need to do better at this stage of the game. You were outsung by Melinda and Lakisha.
  • Goldie: She can sing, but I'm just not in love with her like so many others are. I'm not sure why....can't put my finger on it. I just know I forget her too easily. Great vocals.


  • Randy: It wasn't my favorite performance, but you don't have to do all of those runs!
  • Paula: I think out of all of the guys you were able to really blend all the old and new styles.
  • Simon: If I take away your personality and only listened to the vocals it was dreadful.
  • Goldie: I love how he takes risks each week to show his range of talent! He's an entertainer! Even with his pitch problems I liked him!


  • Randy: I've been a fan of yours since day 1 in Seattle, tonight you made it a 3 girl race with Melinda and Lakisha.
  • Paula: You are a natural gift and a breath of fresh air.
  • Simon: It was a little bit gooey, but having said that, I thought it was a very, very good vocal and absolutly you have put yourself in to being in the finals with that.
  • Goldie: She seemed so much stronger in the auditions and has really disappointed me the last 2 weeks. This performance she let me know she has the pipes and if we give her a chance....she could wow us!

Supreme-ly Idol

World-renowned artist Diana Ross will work with the Top 12 finalists this week on American Idol Tuesday, March 13 (8:00-10:00 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed), and will perform on the results show Wednesday, March 14 (9:00-9:30 PM ET live/PT tape-delayed) on FOX.

The contestants will perform songs from the Diana Ross and the Supremes songbook.

Hmm... I can see how this works well for the women, but I can't get the image of Chris Sligh camping it up singing "Stop in the Name of Love" out of my head. Not that it'll happen, just what pops into my brain. That, and the ever changing hairstyles of Sanjaya.. is tonight the night he goes full out and performs in drag?

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Another Painful Blow for Sundance

As some of you may know, Sundance Head lives in a small town not far from me. After Thursday night's elimination from American Idol, the local news channels here reported another painful blow for Sundance.

He found out that his cousin, Burl Head died in a house fire early Thursday morning.

Sundance was not told the tragic news until after the broadcast Thursday.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Just Say No!

Every now and then I reserve the right to blog about something in the music industry that has nothing to do with American Idol. This is one of those times. OMG! I just came across this picture of Eddie Van Halen, and all I could think was Just Say No! Drugs-Bad! It's amazing how much they age a person. Yikes. The missing teeth don't help much either. Fortunately, Eddie's in rehab now... as of a couple days ago.

This pic is just begging for a caption contest! So give us your best. :) Leave 'em in the comments section here on the blog, and I'll gettem posted ASAP. Crikee, Eddie's makin' Ron Woods (Rolling Stones) look clean.

For those of you too sinfully young to remember how adorable Eddie was way back when, here ya go. Hard to believe it's the same guy. Alas...

Many thanks for all the captions everyone, and to Ms B Haven, who was also kind enough to supply us with the blast from the past pic. Check out the comments here on the blog to see all of the captions.

Idol Castoffs Shocked

Antonella, Other 'Idol' Castoffs Say They're Shocked To Be Heading Home.

'I was extremely disappointed and I was even angry,' says early favorite Sundance Head.

By Corey Moss, with additional reporting by Sasha Fedulow

The "American Idol" final 12 was determined Thursday, eliminating four more hopefuls.

Early favorites Sundance Head and Sabrina Sloan were voted off, as well as Antonella Barba, whose controversial Internet photos have caused a storm of publicity (see " 'Idol' Final 12 Celebrate With Simon; Antonella And Sundance Head Home"). We caught up with the four castoffs, who were all shocked to be heading home.

Antonella Barba
Thanks to those racy Internet pictures, the 20-year-old Point Pleasant, New Jersey, native is the show's most controversial singer since Corey Clark. In the end, though, her publicity could not make up for a string of performances berated by the judges.

Q: With all you were going through, what was it like hearing all those negative critiques each week?

A: It's difficult to be put down, especially on national television. More so, it's just difficult to hear that you're not good when you've made it this far and you know that you've made it for a reason. At the same time, sometimes I think they say things just to say things. I try to only listen to their constructive criticism, because negativity can just bring you down. What will make me sound better will be believing in myself and having confidence.

Q: How did you stay focused?

A: The vocal coach told me, "Don't mistake that feeling in your stomach for nerves. Sometimes it's not you being nervous, it's just your adrenaline preparing yourself for how big of a thing you're about to do." So I turned my nerves into positive energy. And before I got onstage, I would say a prayer.

Q: Stephanie Edwards described the two of you as best friends. How hard was it standing next to her and knowing one of you was going home?

A: I knew she was going to make it. We both thought we were both going to make it, actually. She's very sad for me. It was hard to go up onstage with her. I'm so happy for her, though.

Q: Do you think your heated exchange with Simon about Jennifer Hudson lost you some fans?

A: I don't think that was a heated exchange. It was an honest comment and hopeful for me. I look at Jennifer Hudson as a role model, and it's so inspiring to see how far she's gone from the show. I didn't mean any disrespect towards the judges. It's like, he's been wrong before about someone who's made it so big. Hopefully the same thing can happen to me.

Sundance Head
One of the most popular contestants since his audition aired, the 28-year-old Porter, Texas, native struggled through the Hollywood round and in his first week of the semifinals, but seemed to be settling in. Singing Pearl Jam's ""Jeremy" got mixed him reviews, but he was still expected to continue.

Q: The judges were genuinely shocked when you were sent home. What do you think happened?

A: I'm not real sure what happened. I don't know if America just considered me to be safe, that I didn't need the votes. That's what I think. At least, that's what I'm going to hope for, for my own morale. But I have to tell you, I was extremely disappointed and I was even angry. You can see when I did "Jeremy" — when it goes into the verse "Daddy didn't give affection/ And the boy was something mother wouldn't wear" — I was holding myself. I held my shirt. I felt like that was my chance to speak to America. I was really disappointed.

Q: Your father, Roy Head, had a hit song. Would you have sung it?

A: Absolutely. I would love to have done that. I didn't make it to the '60s [theme night], obviously, but if I would have, that would've been a treat to do. My dad has been a great mentor in my life. He's taught me everything I know. I wouldn't be who I am today if it wasn't for my dad. I love him to death.

Q: Do you think singing "Jeremy" was a risk?

A: If we're not taking risks, it's pointless to be there. Anyone can come out and sing a song, but it's when you take a risk that makes it worth it. I feel like I did do that song well. Maybe I just didn't understand. I thought everyone knew who Pearl Jam was and what the song "Jeremy" was, 'cause in my life there was nothing bigger when the Seattle movement hit. And it was a time in my life when I actually was mowing lawns just to get the money to buy records. And Pearl Jam was one of my favorite bands and I felt that it was an honor to be able to do it on the show. Pearl Jam had never cleared a song to be performed on "American Idol" before. And when they told me they cleared the song for me to do it, I said, "Well, there's no other way. I've gotta do this song. If out of nothing but just respect for Eddie Vedder." It is what it is. I made that decision. I still feel good about it. I don't know if that's what tanked me or what. I do know that I was the #1-voted male for the last two weeks.

Q: What is your next move?

A: I'm gonna get a band together. We're gonna start playing, and I'm gonna throw down everywhere I can and just be a road warrior. Try to keep my fans happy — put stuff out on the Internet that they can listen to. And just keep on going. If anything else, this gives me more gas in my tank. And I just can't wait to get into my yard and hug the trees. I'm going to go fishing tomorrow. And just try to ground myself and hash this out — figure out what happened. I'm extremely confused. I've been riding this roller coaster for months now, and it's like doing 80 in a Ferrari and then just hitting the wall. I just don't know what happened. I'm a little bit confused. I don't know which direction to go in. It's a terrible thing. I could understand if I was sucking or whatever or just doing a terrible job, I could have prepared myself. But there was no doubt in my mind that I was gonna make it into the top 12. So emotionally I had no shields for this, and it's really eating at me.

Sabrina Sloan
If one bad song choice can halt a strong "Idol" run, then Sloan is living proof. The 27-year-old from Studio City, California, was coasting through the semifinals until Wednesday's rendition of En Vogue's "Don't Let Go (Love)" earned mostly negative comments.

Q: The judges were genuinely shocked when you were sent home. What was going through your mind?

A: I was shocked too. I was definitely surprised and really hadn't prepared myself for going home. Part of that is because of the judges' comments, saying, "You will definitely be here! You deserve to be in the top 12!" And I took that under consideration. America took it under consideration and thought I was safe and didn't need to vote. It feels like that was kind of what happened. I watched the show for five years and I tried to prepare myself every Thursday, 'cause you just never know and these things have happened before. I absolutely wanted to be in that 12. I'd already gotten ready to sing with [next week's guest coach] Diana Ross.

Q: Should the judges watch what they say?

A: It's hard because I'm sure they're not thinking about it as they are giving the comments, but America absolutely listens to them. And people who maybe didn't even catch the show and just catch the comments and take that into consideration then vote for who they think doesn't have a shot of getting in and who they want in. But at the same time, of course I want them to say that. It's really hard to tell. I would have rather that Simon didn't say [that it sounded like a hotel performance] when he did. That's not really true, but they have their opinions. And knowing that they were shocked by [the decision] too was definitely a consolation that they didn't mean for it to happen."

Q: Simon complained about the poor song choices made last week. Are you happy with your decision?

A: I still feel good about it. I still don't feel like I would have changed it. I haven't had an opportunity to watch it back yet, so it's possible that it was wrong. But I don't think it was a bad song choice.

Jared Cotter
"Idol" was "just another audition" for the 25-year-old waiter/ independent singer/ model from Kew Gardens, New York, but even without a lot of early camera time, he made it all the way to the final 16.

Q: Any theories on your elimination?

A: I honestly think it was Simon's comments this week and the previous week. My performance did not warrant me coming home. I'm really disappointed and I'm still shocked. It's really hard for me to swallow. I never expected to be home this early.

Q: Do you think things like are messing with the voting?

A: I don't know if it's messing things up. Sundance and Antonella were on VotefortheWorst and they got voted off. I do think they need to get a handle on those Web sites. But yesterday was definitely not based on votes alone. You had four contestants who were either extremely talented or in the media so much that they would have gotten through, so something's up. But I'm really happy I got in this position, being seen by 30 million people each week for three weeks.

Q: What do you think about the judges saying you need to show more originality?

A: I was doing songs where they recommend [that you not change them] so much. I was doing Marvin Gaye and Stevie Wonder, I wasn't doing 311. I didn't want to change those songs too much, because they would have said, "Don't mess with those." So it was lose-lose for me.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Lord Have Mercy

'Girls Gone Wild' Wants American Idol's Antonella Barba as Host
By Jack McGoughey

March 08, 2007

"Girls Gone Wild" founder and CEO Joe Francis said in a news release on Wednesday that he will offer American Idol contestant Antonella Barba $250,000 to become a host for his video company. "Girls Gone Wild" is famous for catching college girls exposing their breasts on film.

It provides Antonella Barba with another option if she doesn't last much longer on American Idol, if she chose to accept it.

Barba has grabbed headlines for herself and created controversy for American Idol when a series of racy photos, allegedly of Antonella Barba performing a sex act on a man along with other racy poses, made it on the internet. The photos caused an uproar among many who called for the ousting of Barba from American Idol.

"Antonella Barba is an unbelievably sexy girl who obviously knows how to have a good time," Joe Francis, founder of Girls Gone Wild, said in a statement. "Why are people being ridiculed and punished for being sexual? It's ridiculous."

The producers of American Idol however said that they would not cut Barba, who denies that it is her in the photos. Barba's fans supported her by voting her into the next round of competition.

Girls Gone Wild owner Francis sees an opportunity for both Girls Gone Wild and American Idol contestant Antonella Barba. If Barba does get voted off of the American Idol program, which could happen as soon as Thursday night, Francis has offered Barba a $250,000 contract to appear as a Girls Gone Wild celebrity host.

"We have reached out to Antonella Barba through her family and are trying to reach her directly in order to offer her a hosting job for one of our upcoming video projects," said Francis. "Just like the American Idol judges, we at Girls Gone Wild are looking for a girl next door, with sexiness, attitude, a carefree spirit and a presence that will command the attention of the Nation. There's a little 'Girls Gone Wild' in every woman, and this should be embraced as a positive, not a negative."

Girls Gone Wild isn't the only X-rated company that wants Antonella Barba. SugarDVD, the largest renter of adult DVDs online, says that they have offered Barba $500,000 to become their new spokesperson.

SugarDVD made headlines recently for offering Kim Kardashian $1 million for the same position as spokesperson. Kardashian turned them down.

There is no word yet as to whether Barba would even consider either of the offers.


A Possible Explanation

OK... At this point I don't remember if someone left the info as a comment or sent us a message, but I just scoured through last night's myspace bulletins, and this is the one that Bailey Brown (she was the blond highschooler from krum, texas that simon was salivating over) sent out to 5,000 of her closest personal friends, many of whom then left her messages telling her they'd voted gazillions of times and spread the word themselves.

    Mar 7, 2007 9:27 PM
    Subject Call this number and VOTE for Haley Scarnato :)
    Body: Please vote for Haley Scarnato tonight after American Idol airs on FOX at 8/7c. We need all the support and votes we can get. Phone lines are open for 2 hours after the show is over. You can vote more than once.

    This is Haley Scarnato voting number for tonights show: 1 (866) 436-5704

Hm. I truly wonder if there isn't an ethical or even legal question here... Surely there must be something from the folks at fox that instructs the contestants they may not use their newfound 15 minutes of fame to influence the outcome of the show once they've left it.

Oh Sabrina

I'm stunned. Just stunned. Sabrina Sloan is out? Haley Scarnato is in? Down is up. Up is down. I can only hope that some hungry R&D guy from some big label saw the show tonight, and signs her tomorrow morning. To think otherwise is impossible. It just doesn't compute. Sabrina is the total package... a killer voice, amazing stage presence, gorgeous, and marketable as hell. This is a huge mistake. You could almost see the dollar signs draining from Simon's face (and his bank account) when Ryan delivered the news.

I don't even have to check vote for the worst to know that Haley and Sanjaya will be their new picks. Which brings me to my next complaint: Sanjaya over Sundance? Granted, Sanjaya is adorable, though I was not digging the ironed out hair, but he just doesn't have the pipes. Sundance's performances have gotten consistently stronger, while Sanjaya's have deteriorated. When I saw Sanjaya's numbers jump once the west coast started voting, I had a feeling we were in for trouble, but I still held out some hope. It just doesn't make sense.

What we have here is a failure to communicate...

Or a failure to comprehend that this is not a student council election. This is a singing competition. Until that is respected and acknowledged, the entire show becomes suspect.

What are your thoughts?

America......Here Is Your Top 12!!!


Blake Lewis
Chris Sligh
Phil Stacey
Brandon Rogers
Chris Richardson
Sanjaya Malakar


Lakisha Jones
Jordin Sparks
Melinda Doolittle
Gina Glocksen
Stephanie Edwards
Haley Scarnato

We lost 2 of the better contestants tonight with Jared Cotter and Sabrina Sloan! She is the biggest mistake since Jennifer Hudson! I can say that we can look forward to bad pageant talent each week! Perhaps we'll actually long for bad pageant talent since some of that has been better than anything Haley has brought to the competition! (Guess who I will be muting for as long as she stays!! ) But I have to give you props, America...... you got it right!!! Bu-bye Antonella and Sundance Head! I still wish Sanjaya was the one packing, but such is life! (We now have 2 that will be muted for the duration of their stay!)

On a higher note......Phil Stacey and Brandon Rogers get to stay and sing another song! I'll be here with the other divas as we bring you as much dish as possible!! Now let's just buckle up for the ride that is......AMERICAN IDOL SEASON 6!

Just My Opinion!!

Hi, Kids!

It's revelation day! I hope beyond all hope that the correct people will be departing for their hometowns this evening! Due to websites like,, I have little hope that some of the actual worst will be getting the boot. (Need I mention names??......Yeah, OK, I'll mention a few)

I, like my good friend Caro, would love to see Antonella Barba pack her bags and leave the competition for good, but I hate to say it....I think she will be in the final 12. No, I do not think she deserves it......I don't believe she should still be in the most fair-minded Americans. Sadly, another less than brilliant singer that should get the boot, but will probably be there for the final 12 is none other than Sanjaya Malakar. (I can't say this enough....beautiful hair!!) For some reason, people have latched on to these 2 and want to hold on for dear life......well....I take it back.....guys, I see why you may have a little interest in Antonella, but come on......the looks may not always be there and when she tries to sing to you after that goes.....what then? At least Sanjaya can "hula";)....(I'm only going by what he said...not by what I saw)

I predict the 2 guys to be Sundance Head and Phil Stacey. Sundance has not performed like I had hoped from his original audition and with the screamfest he presented may be time to let him dance on out. Phil really disappointed me this past Tuesday with......well, actually I'm not sure what that was, but it was supposed to be a Leann Rimes song.....I'm thinking he should have left it for the females! That was horrible.....I would love to see him stay, because he has so much potential and I think, given a little more opportunity....he could blow our minds....but he may have just blown his chances! My other 2 possibles are Jared and Brandon, but these guys soooo deserve to stay that I can't say bye to them even in a prediction!

The girls are a little tougher. Last night really didn't light any fires for me until my Melinda.....(sorry, Caro......OUR Melinda;) blew up the stage!! She is brilliant!! I can't say enough good things about her.....just keep voting to keep her in.....(How awesome would the finale be to have Melinda and Lakisha battle it out? I love both of these ladies!!)

I'm going to predict the end of the road for Haley Scarnato. Again....she didn't do anything for me. Time to go....bu-bye! The other lady may be a big surprise for us...a hurtful surprise.....possibly Stephanie Edwards or Jordin Sparks. Both ladies deserve to be there, but I'm a little worried. Sabrina Sloan did not sing like I know she can this week, but I'm with Carolyn on this one.....isn't she already famous???? I've said it to my friends many times....she is this season's "sleeper-idol" if she continues on....and she deserves a spot in the final 12! I like Gina. She didn't blow her song out or perform like I think she really can, but I would like to give her at least one more opportunity. I guess the only one I feel good about predicting to leave is Haley.

WOW!!! Tough week! I wish all of the contestants well, since it's obvious by some of the "talent" that is left luck is already involved. I would just really like to see as much of the remaining great talent to be in the 12 as possible. I'll find out with the rest of you guys tonight! Until then.....Goldie....out!

Girls Night 3

Come on, Comcast!! I've got blogging to do! It's Girrrrrls Night!! Melinda! LaKisha! Stephanie! Jordin! Sabrina! Diiiivaaaas!!!!

Oh.. and in case you've forgotten, vote-for-the-worst is encouraging their 2 million people to vote like mad for Antonella. What does this mean to you? Well, If you want her gone, you have to vote your little hearts out for everyone else... or at least someone else... ya gotta be devoted to it.

So, whether it's the numbers you need, the judges comments, or my 2 cents you're looking for, look no further! Well, just look below this little paragraph. ;)

Phone 1-866-436-57_ _ or Text the word "Vote" to 57_ _

01 Jordin Sparks: "Heartbreaker"
Randy: It's like a different show when the girls come out. Not your best performance, and a little pitchy, but still better than all the boys last night.
Paula: You are exploding into your artistry.
Simon: Bit manic. Bit shrieky. You've done well though, and I think we'll see you in the top 12.
Carolyn: Jordin looks gorgeous tonight! Is it just me, or has she dropped a few pounds since the show began? I'm a Jordin fan. That being said, I agree with Simon - this was not her best, and it was a bit manic in the middle. Still, loads better than anything we saw last night, and she brought incredible energy to it.

02 Sabrina Sloan: "Don't Let Go "
Randy: i wanted more melody.
Paula: You can sing, sing, sing.
Simon: You're a great singer, but it's lacking the emotion of your key competitors: Melinda, Lakisha, Stephanie. All a bit mechanical for me.
Carolyn: Sabrina takes me by surprise every week. This week was no different. Every time I see her, I think, isn't she famous already?

03 Antonella Barba: "3 Little Birds"
Randy: Just another ok performance for me.
Paula: I think it was the right song choice for you.
Simon: You've gone as far as you can go, Antonella. You are surrounded by some pretty amazing girl singers. I feel for you. You've taken a lot of stick in the media, and you've handled yourself well. I just wish you were singing better.
Carolyn: Her best performance yet. May it be her last. I'm just done with this saga. Would someone please do us all a favor and install shocking devices on the cel phones of all the adolescent boys in america tonight? Please.

04 Haley Scarnato: "If my Heart had Wings"
Randy: A very interesting song choice. it's ok. pretty much in tune. No pizazz, no wow. No Yo.
Paula: You sang it well and you look good up there.
Simon: I thought it was horrible. Just horrible. And I'll tell you the problem, I don't know your name. You haven't made enough of an impression.
Carolyn: Nice, but boring... You can join Antonella.

05 Stephanie Edwards: "You Are My Heat"
Randy: Just ok for me, really.
Paula: I thought you were darn near flawless. You've got a beautiful voice and great showmanship.
Simon: No question, you're one of the best we've got. For me, you have 100% done enough tot sing your way into the final 12 next week.
Carolyn: Stephanie has a hellofa voice, and a very good presence. I think she's a shoe-in for the top 12, but I also get the sinking feeling that she'll be the one who's eliminated too early this season.

06 Lakisha Jones: "I have nothing"
Randy: Another great performance by the great Lakisha.
Paula: You've already made us love you. You're gonna stay right here and work on becoming the next idol.
Simon: You brought passion, believability, etc... And tonight, you look beautiful.
Carolyn: You had me at hello. From the first note... as it should be. As if she needed to prove anything to anyone, Lakisha took the stage and commanded the audience from the moment she opened her mouth. Just beautiful. Thank you. Kudos to the stylist tonight too. DIAL!!!

07 Gina Glocksen: "Don't Cry to Me"
Randy: Finally, the real Gina comes out tonight. This is who I always thought you were. keep the edge alive.
Paula: I completely agree. Watch the oversinging. Other than that, this is the style that suits you best.
Simon: It's the first time I've seen you look comfortable. I really really hope you make it through to next week. You deserve to be there.
Carolyn: I can't explain it, really. I just don't like her. Maybe it's the early cockiness that set me off. It's certainly not her voice. She has a terrific rocker-chick vibe to her. I guess I just want more from MY American Idol.

08 Melinda : "Cuz I'm a Woman"
Randy: {I was so blown away by Melinda's performance, I didn't even hear what Randy and Paula said}
Simon: You little tiger. I thought we had a pussycat. It is very very nice that you are actually enjoying every moment on this show. A million percent we're gonna see you next week.
Carolyn: Um.. how can I put this? So you really get my sentiment? SO it's just as clear as a bell how I feel about Melinda and her performance tonight?

Now if only I could post this. 9pm still out. 9:30 :(. 10:00. Unreal.


I really pride myself on timely posts, and this is embarassing.

OK... It's now after 11pm eastern time, and my broadband's still out. Comcast really and truly sucks. This is the 8th outage in less than a month. I apologize for the tardiness in posting this... Whenever it is I finally do get to post it.

Midnight... still out. 1am.. I give up.

7am.. still out. Call and gripe at Comcast some more...

10:30am: FINALLY!!!!!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Just my opinion

Thank goodness it's girls night. We don't have to hope they'll bring it. We know they will. It should be that way for absolutely every single person who appears on American Idol, male or female. We shouldn't be concerning ourselves with getting rid of the horrible ones that keep squeaking through.

Rather, we should be agonizing over which incredibly talented person to throw our support behind, knowing that doing so will halt the dream, ever so momentarily, for another incredibly talented person.

Frenchie v Fox?

Finally, Frenchie makes a statement on the Barba situation... Here's the AP article.

`American Idol' gets its first big controversy of season
By Lynn Elber, AP Television Writer March 7, 2007

LOS ANGELES --Frenchie Davis, dumped by the "American Idol" TV singing competition in 2003 for lingerie shots posted on a Web site, moved on to Broadway success and thought she had buried a humiliating chapter of her young life.

That changed in the last few days after contestant Antonella Barba was allowed to stay on the top-rated Fox series despite the emergence of racy online photos that purport to be of Barba, but with no verification.

The first big controversy of the show's sixth season swelled Tuesday when fans and a civil-rights activist rallied to Davis' side, saying she was the victim of unfair and potentially biased treatment. Davis is black; Barba is white.

"We object to having one rule for black contestants and a different rule for white contestants who exhibit the same behavior," said Najee Ali, founder of Islamic Project H.O.P.E., a Los Angeles-based community-action group.

Davis said she is bewildered over what's happened with Barba, 20, of Point Pleasant, New Jersey.

"I don't necessarily think that (it's racism), but I can certainly look at this and understand why people would draw that conclusion," Davis said Tuesday from New York, hours before going on stage in the musical "Rent."

"I'm not bashing `Idol' or Antonella. She's a beautiful girl and she's young. I think it's great that she didn't have to go through what I went through," said Davis, 27, who suggested that the show's producers might have learned from how they treated her.

Davis would welcome a public apology from them as "a great start." But she said she is owed more for "the manner in which I was humiliated and the manner in which Antonella was defended and protected by the same people who humiliated me."

"Now they need to come to the table and see what we can do to make up" for her treatment, Davis said. She declined to say if she would seek a financial settlement or a record contract or other deal.

Belinda Foster, Davis' manager, took part in a small protest Tuesday with Ali outside the Kodak Theatre in Los Angeles where "American Idol" tapes. She said there are stark differences in the treatment of the two contestants.

Foster noted the sympathetic comments of "American Idol" producer Nigel Lythgoe, who was quoted on Entertainment Weekly's Web site recently saying he was aware of the photos associated with Barba, but adding: "It's sad, isn't it, that your best friends are the ones that come forward with information that will go to Smoking Gun or put your photographs on the Web?"

Fox and the producers have declined further comment on Barba, who was to perform again Wednesday as the contestants are narrowed down this week to the 12 finalists. All the singers, including Barba, have been unavailable for interviews.

A source close to the show, who asked not to be identified because of the lack of authorization to comment publicly, said Fox and the producers believe seminude photos of Barba were posted without her consent and that racier shots, showing a sex act, were of a woman other than Barba.

Whether Barba posted any photos or allowed them to be posted is immaterial, Ali said.

"`American Idol' has first and foremost proclaimed it is a family show. ... No matter who made the photos public, it still speaks to her moral character and integrity, and certainly her silence speaks for itself," he said.

A fan group lead by Chris Tian, a singer-songwriter in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, is calling on Fox to give Davis another shot at competing on "Idol."

Although she's wonderful in "Rent," Tian said, "a lot of Broadway artists don't get record deals. This could open up the path for her big record deal and big break."

The hit series has rarely managed a quiet year, with past issues ranging from voter complaints over overloaded phone systems to a contestant's allegation of an affair with judge Paula Abdul, which she denied.

The big-voiced Davis, on the verge of being voted a finalist by viewers in the year in which Ruben Studdard won, said she was honest with producers about posing for lingerie photos at age 19, five years before going on "American Idol."

In a statement Tuesday, Fox said, "We have never discussed the specifics of why Ms. Davis was eliminated, nor will we now."

The network said it had "no desire to revisit history and sully the reputation of Ms. Davis. She was removed from the show over four years ago and has gone on to a successful performing career."

That achievement has been a salve, of sorts, for Davis.

"I don't feel anything about the show. I haven't watched it. When `American Idol' comes on at 8 o'clock at night, I'm on stage," Davis said.

Dial Idol Stats - Men

As you may know, there is a site out there that measures the busy signals for all the contestants, and they use this information to predict who is safe and who is toast. While it's not an exact science, it does seem to be very accurate for predicting who is safe from elimination. However, in checking the stats for the 2 weeks prior, on both counts, the bottom of their list did NOT go home.

Now on to last night... What a difference a time zone makes. At the end of the Eastern and Central time zone voting, these were the predicted voting stats, from first to worst:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Now fast forward 3 hours to include the west coast, and the bottom changes dramatically.

1-8 Chris Richardson - 10.91
1-8 Chris Sligh - 10.9
1-8 Blake Lewis - 9.94
1-8 Sanjaya Malakar -9.18
1-8 Brandon Rogers - 8.89
1-8 Jared Cotter - 7.78
1-8 Sundance Head - 7.6
1-8 Phil Stacey - 7.42

It's actually quite a bit more dramatic if you see the graphic, which is now all in red, meaning, it's all too close to call. Here's the link for the site: Click Here.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Round 3: The Guys!

I have to say it has been very disappointing for me tonight! I was really hoping the guys were going to blow my mind, but they wouldn't be able to blow up a balloon for me with the performances tonight! There are 2 definites that I would send home, but we'll just have to wait and see. Please vote.....and get it right!!! We need a winning top 12!!

Now, on to tonight's performance critiques:

Phone 1-866-436-57_ _ or Text the word "vote" to 57_ _

01 BLAKE LEWIS: "Keep Me Coming"

  • Randy: You know what I'm loving about this season....this is the first season where we've had current artists like yourself!
  • Paula: I didn't know the song, but I was interested! Very Good!
  • Simon: I didn't understand a word you said, but I liked it, Randy and Paula are right you're current and you will be here next week!
  • Goldie: He is just FUN!!!! I really like him and I think he should be in the finals for sure!!

02 SANJAYA MALAKAR: "Waiting On The World To Change"

  • Randy: To say it was better than last week is funny.....he hasn't returned to the good singer we first saw.
  • Paula: I don't agree completely. You have a lot of older more experienced guys around you, but I want you to raise your game!
  • Simon: It wasn't as ghastly as last week, and you are popular because you are still here, but this is a singing competition and your vocals just aren't as good as some!
  • Goldie: If he doesn't go home this week, America will have let me down!! He is a sweet kid with a very bright future, but not in singing.....maybe a shampoo commercial...he has FABULOUS hair!

03 : SUNDANCE HEAD: "Jeremy"

  • Randy: I like the southern rock thing like Pearl Jam.
  • Paula: You pulled it out tonight!
  • Simon: I didn't like it as much as last week. You went from good last week to a bar routine this week. I didn't like it you sounded like you were shouting the whole thing.
  • Goldie: I'll be honest here....I'm not impressed at all! He can only do one style and I'm just not feeling what he has to say. His performance was pretty good, but it was just ok...a lot of screaming....He just hasn't stepped up like I was hoping he would in this competition. I would not be upset at all if he goes home!

04 CHRIS RICHARDSON: "Tonight I Wanna Cry"

  • Randy: Every week you come out here and blast the guy's week. You are showing you are in it to win it!
  • Paula: Good song choice! You adapted it well and put your own spin on it.
  • Simon: It was good, not the best vocal we heard...a little nasally, but I don't think we've heard what you're capable of. Anyone else...that song would have been a problem.
  • Goldie: A couple of pitch problems, but I still love this guy! He can sing and he is stepping up to show a very versatile singer! He sooooo deserves to stay!

05 JARED COTTER: "If You Really Love Me"

  • Randy: I was worried, but you gave a good solid performance!
  • Paula: I think you need to work on coloring up the way you sing! I sometimes feel like you shout.
  • Simon: It wasn't very original. We've heard a lot of performances like this, but you are popular. I'm a little disappointed because I'm not seeing the WOW factor tonight!
  • Goldie: I love him! He's not the best vocalist, but he's fun and has great charisma! I think he could really wow us if we give him a chance!!!

06 : BRANDON ROGERS: "I Just Want To Celebrate"

  • Randy: I think it was a good choice. It was good, but you got a little messed up at the end.
  • Paula: I think it was pretty phenomenal and you are proving why you belong on that stage.
  • Simon: I have high hopes from you because you are one of the better singers and I have a horrible feeling that song may not be enough for you this week. It wasn't enough melody and I just don't feel good about it.
  • Goldie: LOVE, LOVE, LOVE HIM!!!! I really hope America gives him a chance to show what he can do in the top 12! He is one of the best voices in the competition...he just didn't show it tonight.

07 PHIL STACEY: "How Can I Live Without You"

  • Randy: You got that big old voice, the high notes are great, but the lower register is very pitchy. But you are good and I like you.
  • Paula: Odd choice of song, I don't feel it was your best performance.
  • Simon: I just didn't get it and with the hat and big eyes was just very odd. Strange choice of song. Overall tonight it's a disappointing night going into the final 12.
  • Goldie: I was very nervous when he first started, but as usual.....he ended pretty well. But what was up with the song choice?? I would like to see how far he can go! He's won me over!

08 CHRIS SLIGH: "We All Wanna Be Loved"

  • Randy: I'm not sure that was my favorite song choice. It wasn't the best night for the boys, but you get the vocal award tonight!
  • Paula: You need to stretch more and take some risks. It wasn't my favorite performance for you.
  • Simon: You've done enough to make it to the finals, but it wasn't your best.
  • Goldie: His voice is soooo good to me. I really think he has potential to blow us out this season!


The Guys - Pre Show 3

**Updated with post-show predictions at the end.

Happy Idol Tuesday, everyone! We managed to make it through a whole week with no new scandals, and it seems even Barba-gate is settling down. I'm guessing that after tomorrow night, even that will be a non-issue, and we can get down to the nitty gritty of selecting a real American Idol. I'm laying my hat in Melinda's corner.

For tonight, it's the guys turn, and what remains to be seen is will the extemely talented Brandon finally make a good song choice, and sing his tushy off, or will he blow it completely, and get written off.. or voted off, in this case. I believe his chances are running short, and it's definitely a now or never situation. Same goes for Sanjaya. Either he ramps it up tonight, or he's toast. My third pre-show elimination possibility prediction is Jared, and last but not least, Sundance. I feel quite safe in saying it will be 2 of these 4, and I'll commit to which 2 after the show...

Any of you care to share your pre-show predictions? Leave us a comment and let us know!

OK, show's over... I'm thinking hasta la vista for Sanjaya, and as much as it pains me to say it, I think Brandon's done too, but I'll be voting for him, and I'm just deluded enough to think I'll make a difference.. so... Jared and Sanjaya. That's my final answer.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Round 2: The Eliminations

Last week we said good-bye to 4 hopefuls and tonight is round 2 of the eliminations! 4 more will go home.......will it be your favorite???

The Guys: Nick Pedro
A.J. Tabaldo

The Girls: Alaina Alexander
Leslie Hunt

America.....if I was with you guys right now.....I would kiss all of you on the mouth like you have never been kissed before!!!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for leaving my Brandon Rogers in the competition!! He is amazing and will only get better as will Jared Cotter....(that's Pickles' favorite)!!! I'm so glad my predictions did not come true for the guys! MUAH, MUAH, MUAH!!!! Good luck to both Nick and A.J. who helped make the last 2 weeks memorable.

My predictions for the girls was right on. They just were not strong enough vocally to compete with the others. Leslie is adorable and has such a great attitude. I hope she goes far! Alaina showed another reason I would never vote for her .......her snippy bad loser attitude at being sent home. I hope it was only because of the disappointment of losing, but she's shown it in the past and maybe needs to work on that! Good luck to both ladies! And again....Thank you America for getting it right!!! Until next week.....Goldie....out! (I just love Ryan Seacrest's signoff)

Don't forget this weeks trivia question!! Go to to enter or Text the word "Vote" to 51555.

Who was a big winner at this year's Grammy awards?

A) Taylor Hicks
B) Carrie Underwood
C) Ruben Studdard

Good Luck-----maybe we'll see you next week live!! If any of you do win...please drop a line to us!

Just My Opinion!!

Hello All in IdolDish land!!!

I'm ready for the results tonight! I can only say MELINDA DOOLITTLE IS FABULOUS!!!! I have loved her from the beginning and I'm pulling for her all the way!!! (Sorry....I am a little bit of a fan!!) Still....there is a lot of talent left in our little group of Idol hopefuls and I'm sure it will be an interesting journey to the finale! I only hope some of the more deserving people (ya know.....the talented ones) make it to the end!

The girls displayed their diva ablilites last night like I knew they would! They have not let me down yet! Thank goodness the guys brought their 'A' game this week! It feels like a competition again. The only sad thing is....someone has to leave. Actually.....after a few of those performances....there are several I would send home!

I'm prediciting Brandon Rogers and Jared Cotter for the guys and Alaina Alexander and Leslie Hunt for the girls. I would not choose Brandon or Jared....personally, I would send A.J. and either Sanjaya or Nick packing, but America seems to like the less talented (not that they don't have some talent or a lot of potential...I just like to see the best in a competition!). My vote for the girls would be Alaina Alexander and Haley Scarnato. Neither of these girls have done anything to impress me yet. I felt like I was watching some very bad pageant talent when they were singing last night!

I have to say.....the Antonella Barba issue has disappointed me. I don't understand why the folks at Idol would keep her around after the story broke about her this week. Not that I have a problem with her or what she has done in her past. It's the fact they seem to be using a double standard.....I know we all remember Frenchie Davis! It was a similar situation and it seems they are giving special treatment and I don't like that!

Anyhoo....those are my thoughts for the day....see you guys a little later for the results and we'll see if my predictions are right! Until then.....Goldie...out!