Just my opinion
Thank goodness it's girls night. We don't have to hope they'll bring it. We know they will. It should be that way for absolutely every single person who appears on American Idol, male or female. We shouldn't be concerning ourselves with getting rid of the horrible ones that keep squeaking through.
Rather, we should be agonizing over which incredibly talented person to throw our support behind, knowing that doing so will halt the dream, ever so momentarily, for another incredibly talented person.
I agree, and I'm putting my full support behind Blake this year. He's incredible! ;)
thanks for commenting, amy :) it's always nice to know i'm not talking to myself... even when i'm just being cranky.
I know, whats the deal, they keep saying this year is going to be the best ever and the talent is horrible and if this year they are better than the other years, then im happy i didnt watch the other years. as i have said before, this is the first year i have watched past the auditions and i have to say, the other people i have seen from previous years that didnt win are so much better than anyone that is on there this year. i mean, katherine mcphee from last year was is so awesome and my aunt sends me other videos of past contestants that were so much better than the best one this year, whats the deal with that? anyhow, im just rambling now, so im gonna end this, but i really do hope that these people can get it together and use their voices to its fullest potential, it just seems like they dont give it their all, we saw how good they can be, now they dont want to give us anymore, whats with that?
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