Idol Dish

All the Dish that's fit to print about American Idol!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Sanjaya Tribute

Carla found this video and posted it a while back, but with the events of the evening, I thought it was well worth bumping it up to the top for another look-see.

There's a saying in Big Brother, "Don't hate the player. Hate the game." It really applies here too. In this case, it's not Sanjaya we hate, it's the people who, with ill intent, make a mockery of the process, thereby depriving deserving singers of a shot at idol-dom.

4-18-07 American Idol Results Show

For pity's sake. It's 20 after 9, and they haven't given us a single clue as to who's safe or not. OK, I know it's an hour long show tonight, but come on!

OK.. 9:37, and we have our bottom 3: Sanjaya, Lakisha and.. Blake?!!? And commercial.

How cute was Melinda? Honestly, I think her response to Ryan's question was PERFECT.. as usual. And, while we wait, I'm THRILLED Jordin's safe too!

OK Kids, we have a 33 1/3 chance of being Sanjaya-free for the remainder of the season. Oohhhhmmmmmm.... Ohhhmmmmm... Perhaps if I click my heels together 3 times whilst repeating "There's no place like home"? or "There's no place for him."
Yep. That's it. Click, click, click. "There's no place for him." Click, click, click. Say it with me now.

Blah blah blah.. enormous Shrek 3 live commercial... Martina McBride performance...

Wonder if they'll at least let one of the 3 off the hook before the commercial break. Dear Lord, let it not be Sanjaya. If he's off the hook, I'll puke. And that's a big nope. 3 on the hook till after the break. Oy.

Look on the bright side. Melinda and Jordin are definitely safe.

And we're back live... Sanjaya, Lakisha and BLake. Blake is safe! hallelujah.

Oh please o please o please o please o please...

America voted and Sanjaya is HISTORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hot damn Hallelujah!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Scary American Idol Predictions from dialidol

Here's the final result from dialidol for the night.

This one's definitely gonna be a nail biter, folks. On the surface it looks great with Sanjaya on the bottom, but Melinda, Blake and Lakisha are awfully close to the bottom as well, and there is always a margin of error.

dialidol at 12:30am EST

West Coast!!!!

Unless you wanna see a HUGE upset tomorrow night, you really gotta amp up the calls!! NOW!!! You wont believe the bottom of the pack. Sanjaya's right where we want him, and now's the time to widen the gap, and vote your tushies off! Sanjaya's votes always increase with the West Coast, so please, just this once, VOTE for Melinda, Blake, Lakisha, Jordin!!!!!!! Keep them safe! And get Sanjaya gone.

Check out the dialidol chart below:

American Idol Top 7 Perform

Greetings Idol Fans! :) Welcome to our first ever duo blog. We thought we'd pull double duty tonight, and whack the blog with both of our opinions , as well as R,P and Simons commentary.

As you know, just dial 1-866-IDOLS-0_! All the right numbers are here for ya!

01 -Phil - "Where The Blacktop Ends"
Randy: Dude, you could have a career in country music. Now I know Phil Stacy.
Paula: You sound good from the beginning to the end.
Simon: Well, it's only taken 10 weeks, Phil. This is the only time I've heard you in a long long time where you chose a good song, the style of music suited you, and you actually showed some personality.
Carolyn: Was that Nigel Lithgoe that Phil pointed at right before he got back on stage? Anyhow... for me, it was a nice performance, but just very good karaoke. I think Simon et al are just giving it their level best to keep someone other than Sanjaya past this week.
Goldie: Even with the almost personality we saw tonight...I'm back to being bored! He sounded good, but he's better than what he's brought to the competition so far!

02 - Jordin Sparks - "Broken Wing"
Randy: Dude, that was the bomb, man.
Paula: You look gorgeous. I love you, and i think you did a fantastic job.
Simon: This is the 1st time since we've met that I actually believe, based on that performance, you could win American Idol.
Carolyn: Yayy! That was just fantastic. Jordin has the guts to sing the song of the guest artist, Martina McBride. And she rocked it! Man.. talk about raising the bar!! I may just have a new favorite. Jordin is the entire package, and she'll definitely be getting some of my votes tonight.
Goldie: If she wasn't scared...there was waaay too much vibrato going on! She still has a powerful voice with those big notes and I still loved her!

03 - Sanjaya - "Something to Talk About "
Randy: That was really just like karaoke, dude.
Paula: You're a loveable guy, Sanjaya.
Simon: Utterly horrendous.
Carolyn: He hasn't strted to sing yet, but let me be the first to say, "Booo!" Yech. I've so had enough. ok.. he's singing now. If Phil was really good karaoke, Sanjaya's... well.. he's not offensive... he's just not in the same league as any of the rest of the contestants. Great hair tonight, though.
Goldie:The look alone makes me scared!!! Can Bonnie Raitt roll over in her grave without being dead??? Somehow...I think she may be tonight! If I knew where the plot was I would do a little rolling around myself! Heck...let's all do it! When will we be put out of our misery??? I can't take much more!

04 - Lakisha - "Jesus, Take the Wheel"
Randy: For me, this had some pitch problems. Wasn't my favorite vocal of yours.
Paula: I have to agree with Randy.
Simon: I don't think you and that song went together well.
Carolyn: WOW! Lakisha needs to cover this song. That was AMAZING. She sang it from her toes.. just like i like it.
Goldie: A little too much screaming for me and waaaay off key more than once...unusual for Lakisha! I was disappointed...I was expecting a lot better with her background and that song!

05 -Chris Richardson- "Something Very Nasal "
Randy: I felt lost during the song.
Paula: The joy and the love that you have on stage didn't come through.
Simon: WHat I heard was a very non-descript, nasally tinny vocal. Completely and utterly insignificant, the whole thing.
Carolyn: Hated the first verse, then he came to the chorus and I fell back in love. Note to Chris: Keep your vocals out of your nose!!
Goldie: He just makes me see a bad Justin Timberlake impression of Rascall Flatts.....not impressed at all tonight! I'm bored!

06 -Melinda- "Trouble is a Woman"
Randy: Another solid performance from our resident pro, Miss Melinda Doolittle.
Paula: Once again...
Simon: It was fantastic. I saw a little Tina Turner going on there. You have to lose the surprised look.
Carolyn: Have they released Melinda's CD yet? I'm ready. No matter what style she's singing, this woman has pipes, and she knows how to use em.
Goldie: OK...first of all...How cute is she tonight??? Love that look for her! We have our sassy girl back!! Love her!!! FABULOUS!!

07 -Blake- "When the Stars go Blue"
Randy: I love your sense of style, and I love that you know who you are.
Paula: You kinda have the whole package. It's always fun to watch you.
Simon: It wasn't a jumping out of my chair performance, Blake.
Carolyn: Wow. I wasn't expecting to enjoy Blake as much as I did tonight. He did it justice, and he made it his own.
Goldie: This was a great choice for Blake....when they said it was country...I said Blake should do Tim McGraw "Stars Go Blue"! Nice job! Not as great as I expected, but still a solid performance from the best guy left in the competition!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

American Idol Elimination 4-11-07

I gotta be honest here... this is the first time this season I've been pleased with an elimination. If I can't have Sanjaya gone, Haley Scarnato's the next best (or worst, as the case may be) option. Nuff said. Well, that and I'm thrilled to have been wrong about Jordin.

Hasta la vista, Haley.

You Make the Call

According to dialidol, only one performer is predicted to be safe tonight, and that American Idol hopeful is... Blake Lewis. Blake's performace of JLo's hubby, Mark Anthony's Need to Know, was far and away the judges favorite for best song choice and best performance of the night, so perhaps it's fitting he should be on top. For me, last night wasn't terribly memorable. I was bored to tears by so many singing Gloria Estefan, and only one person actually singing in Spanish. The fact that it was Sanjaya, with a week's growth of facial fuzz, was no special treat either.

Now, as we know, dialidol is only meant as a gauge. The only time the bottom person on their list has been sent home was the week Chris Sligh got the boot, so take this with a grain of salt.

1-6 (B3) Blake Lewis - 11.23 - Predicted to be Safe

Too Close to Call
1-8 (B3) Melinda Doolittle - 9.53
1-8 (B3) Phil Stacey - 9.15
1-8 (B3) Haley Scarnato - 8.9
1-8 (B3) Sanjaya Malakar - 8.54
1-8 (B3) Chris Richardson - 8.2
2-8 (B3) Jordin Sparks - 6.76
2-8 (B3) Lakisha Jones - 6.45

Now the important part: Who do you think is going home tonight?

I have a bad feeling it's Jordin. Last night while I was voting, I decided to switch it up a bit and call in for Jordin every time I got more than 3 busies in a row for Melinda. The good news is, I was able to throw Jordin at least 50 votes. The bad news... I didn't get a single busy signal on her line. Not one. Sigh. I really hope I'm wrong.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The Top 8 Perform....Maybe....(Let's Hope for the Best!!!)

PHONE 1-866-436-57_ _ OR TEXT THE WORD 'VOTE' TO 57_ _

  • RANDY: Another solid performance! Not your best, but still solid.
  • PAULA: Very sultry, smooth.....very subtle, sexy and beautiful!
  • SIMON: Well, it had to happen Melinda. I didn't like it. That song is all about personality. I found it very cabaret. Someone like you has to put on a WOW performance every week. I thought it was a bit lazy, a bit wooden.
  • CAROLYN: I love her! The voice goes without saying, but OMG, didn't she look gorgeous this week?!
  • GOLDIE: YAY!!! My favorite is first....and with one of my favorite songs! I have to say...this was the first time I heard a sour note from her! This was not her best by far! Still FABULOUS!! (She even attempted "sexy" well)


  • RANDY: You were having fun and made it your own! That was hot!
  • PAULA: I didn't feel it as much as Randy did and I felt it was a safe Lakisha performance. I want you to push for it.
  • SIMON: I agree with Paula. It's a fun performance song I don't know if people at home were having as much fun.
  • GOLDIE: Ricky Minor and the band are incredible!! Made me wanna dance!!! She was ok....but not her best. I have to say I had fun, but vocally it's just not a song that can show range.


  • RANDY: You did a really good job with that! You really came into your own at the end with the runs. It was hot.
  • PAULA: It was a hot performance!
  • SIMON: I'm not going to say it was the best I've ever heard, but I actually preferred it to the first 2, at least it was a good performance!
  • GOLDIE: One of my favorite songs!! Started out a bit rocky for me, but he has such potential.....I really like him! He made it his own!! I love the fact that he is still challenging himself and trying something new every week!


  • RANDY: For me...that was really karaoke for me! I could have been anywhere.
  • PAULA: It's not a singer's song, but a fun song!
  • SIMON: You've got a good tactic right now wearing the least amount of clothes as possible because you can't win it vocally!
  • GOLDIE: Who said she had good legs again??? Maybe she can just show her legs instead of sing.....wait....that's what she's doing, isn't it??? She's horrible....I would have rather heard Sanjaya! (I'll eat those words later...when I actually have to hear him!!)


  • RANDY: I don't know if was your didn't connect with the passion of that song.
  • PAULA: Vocally I thought it was really good!
  • SIMON: You chose a good song...It was all a bit flat and nothing I could get excited about.
  • GOLDIE: WOW!!!! He finally gave me goosebumps!!! I think he finally lived up to the voice I knew he had! Go Phil! Maybe he didn't live up to the "passion" as Randy said, but I loved his version of the song.


  • RANDY: That was hot!
  • PAULA: You just have a great time! You're adorable!
  • SIMON: The whole night has just been ok performances and there's been no progression for me.
  • GOLDIE: She gets better each week! Lovin' her!


  • RANDY: That song choice and hot performance!
  • PAULA: Very smart performance!
  • SIMON: Best performance of the night and best song choice of the night!
  • GOLDIE: My Blake is just too good!!! A little bit of the Marc Anthony vibe! I think he's my favorite tonight!


  • RANDY: You are one of the smartest contestants ever dude! That was actually good.
  • PAULA: Very, very nice.
  • SIMON: I couldn't understand a word of sang like a 14 year old and I'm going to hate myself for wasn't horrible!
  • GOLDIE: I have to say except for a few notes....this was pretty good for Sanjaya!

I think out of all the "guests" they've had this year, Jennifer Lopez has been the best! She had fun with each contestant, challenged them and gave them pointers that made sense! She really seemed to get a sense of each contestant and did a great job! Can't wait to see her perform tomorrow night!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Another One Bites the Dust 4-4 Elimination Show

No sooner do we find out Melinda, Lakisha and Jordin are safe (Yayyyyy!!!) than they announce Blake, Chris and (drumroll please) Sanjaya are also safe. Well, I'm 2/3rds happy with that one. However, that leaves Phil, Gina and Haley Scarnato in the bottom three. Hmm.. ok.. that's 1/3 not terribly disappointing. I have a bad feeling about this for Gina, and I really hope I'm wrong. And now we know Phil's safe, so the odd's aren't improving. 4 minutes left... just say it, Ryan.

The idol hopeful eliminated this week is: Gina. :(

Whatta load of crap! While it's no secret that I did not start out as a Gina fan, she and her voice really grew on me.

She's singing her song now, and they just cut to an extreme closeup of Sanjaya... uch. I wonder if hair boy is starting to feel any backlash from the other singers. Perhaps it's not direct, perhaps they';re not saying anything to his face, but there's gotta be some undercurrent of ill will brewing in his direction.

Granted, it's not his fault he's the annointed one. VFTW chose him, not the other way around, and then Stern jumped on the bandwagon, encouraging his following to be the ultimate show spoilers. Still... the other idols have got to be getting sick of it, and it's bound to be brewing some hard feelings in idol-land.

What are your thoughts?? We wanna know!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007


PHONE 1-866-436-57_ _ OR TEXT THE WORD 'VOTE' TO 57_ _

  • RANDY: Very good way to start off the evening and this was the perfect song for you. You are the funky, jazzy, cool kind of guy.
  • PAULA: You're a hip cat. Fun as usual.
  • SIMON: Good choice of song, performed it well. I'll give you 7 out of 10 and the band 8 out of 10.
  • GOLDIE: One of my favorite songs! It's a fun song and he sang it well! It fit his personality.


  • RANDY: Interesting choice for you. Good vocal, but no connection.
  • PAULA: You are a young Frank Sinatra. I still need you to have more joy and warm those vocals up before the chorus!
  • SIMON: It had all the joy of someone singing in a funeral parlor. It was gloomy and dark no life in the performance.
  • GOLDIE: I was bored! Vocally, he was just ok, but no stage presence at all for me!


  • RANDY: You always give a lesson in singing, vocally and performance!
  • PAULA: You are master class for everyone else to watch!
  • SIMON: I didn't like the first half which was a bit cabaret, but the second half of the song was great, but I don't think we can ever criticize you!
  • GOLDIE: LOVE, LOVE, LOVE HER!!!!! I wonder if she's free the 27th of this month....there's this wedding I would love for her to sing at.......(I know...dream on!!) But on the vocal side.....SHE'S DEFINITELY GOT IT!!!


  • RANDY: You came out with a vengence! Best performance for you all season!
  • PAULA: You did not compromise yourself. You kept it hip and cool!
  • SIMON: I thought that was very good, very believable! You made it hip and you worked it out very well. One of the strongest tonight!
  • GOLDIE: This was a good song choice for him! He was able to keep the vocals together and he still put his own spin on it. Very good! This was my favorite performance from Chris so far!


  • RANDY: I'm loving that we have 9 people in the competition, but it is hot! You are like a pro and you are 17!
  • PAULA: You really are a magnet of joy and you exude it on the stage. I'm just so freaking proud of you...I don't know what to say!
  • SIMON: You sang it very well, but you didn't make it young and current. I didn't like it as much as squiggly and diggly here did!
  • GOLDIE: She is the most improved to me! She has the vocal ability people much older than her can only dream of and I loved her performance tonight! Nothing was overdone! I only see her getting better!


  • RANDY: That was a very nice controlled performance from the rocker girl.
  • PAULA: Flawless, understated and sentimental.
  • SIMON: I can't rave about the vocals because 2 other girls have already come on and outsang you.
  • GOLDIE: This is one of my favorite songs of all time and Gina was incredible!


  • RANDY: I can't comment on the vocals anymore, but you are a great entertainer.
  • PAULA: You are charmer and I enjoyed the dance.
  • SIMON: Let's try a different tactic this week......INCREDIBLE (rolls his eyes)!
  • GOLDIE: A little bit John Travolta with a little more of William Hung...(actually..I like William Hung better) on an even sadder note...probably his best performance.


  • RANDY: I thought this would be a good week for you because of the style.
  • PAULA: You look great in green.
  • SIMON: You've got great was a good style for you, but it felt a bit pageanty.
  • GOLDIE: Not as bad as usual, but still felt like I was at a pageant!


  • RANDY: This was a perfect song for you. Pitchy in the beginning.
  • PAULA: This is the most gorgeous you've ever looked. You sounded great.
  • SIMON: Back on form Lakisha. That was great.
  • GOLDIE: Another one of my favorites, but I'm a little tired of Lakisha. It was good, but she tends to be so nasal at times that it really takes away from the story in the song. When she opens up like she did at the end....awesome...until "ain't no sunshine when he's gone". I think she should have listeded to Tony!

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Tribute to Sanjaya

I thought this was hilarious and wanted to share it!