Idol Dish

All the Dish that's fit to print about American Idol!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Just My Opinion!!

Has America had enough yet???? I can only cross my fingers, hold my breath and pray, but somehow, I have a feeling we will be keeping Sanjaya for at another week of torturous non-singing ability! Come on people.....he didn't even get what Simon was saying last night...of course it could have been because Diana Ross was 'wailing' so loudly that it drowned out Simon's voice!

I'm not sure why anyone would go with someone who is on, but each season, we have the least talented person 'beat out' the real talent due to some idiot's thought of a joke! Anyone remember Kelly Pickler? How about John Stevens? Both somewhat talented with a sweet disposition to boot, but did they really shine on Idol? NO!!!

This week I'm afraid of who will be going home because I don't think the right one will leave! I predict the bottom 3 to be Brandon Rogers, Stephanie Edwards and either Chris Sligh or Chris Richardson. Either Brandon or Stephanie will leave. Which, should not happen if the votes were actually based on singing ability! Of course, Idol is always unpredictable and can't really be measured by the busy signal or lack of. The real bottom 3 should include Sanjaya and Haley, with either going home...preferably Sanjaya, but we all know how this will turn out! Especially if a certain rejected wannabe country Idol contestant that didn't make it to the final groups has her way with the votes for Haley!

Let's just all think happy, positive thoughts! See you at the results show tonight! Goldie.....out!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to give it up for Jordan, she shined last night and I thought Chris Richardson was the best male performer...I hope the rest of America sees the star in Jordan Sparks that I have from her first audition. Lakisha is just ok to me, still she hasn't captured my attention. Melinda, I can't seem to connect with either...each week I am still looking for the one that will WoW me and Jordan has done the best job....I just love the way Richardson sings he always easily captures my attention! I never liked Gina, but for some reason I find her to be growing on me...Chris Sligh, his inability to pronounce the letter 'S' gets on my nerves (STILL).Phil Stacey did a good job last night I thought...Haley, I hope she does good but she continues to let me down....Brandon and Sanjaya both have rode the AI bus long enough...Stephanie Edwards needs to step up her game and Blake Lewis, needs to not dance so much and sing more....but I don't think he has very good pick to leave tonight is Sanjaya or Brandon....Don't send the wrong person home America!

9:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i dont really know what to say about anyone from last nights show. to me, none of them did diana ross justice. i mean, lakisha and melinda did ok, but not as good as they have in the past for me. i thought the best one last night was Jordin. I thought she sang her song better than anyone else. i thought chris richardson did a pretty good job last night too. chris sligh sucked, he totally screwed up that song. blake was ok, not his best performance. i like gina more and more every week, she seems to have lost the cockiness to me. haley and sanjaya just sucked, they need to go home. brandon was ok last night, not that great but not bad like others. Phil was alright, I like him and he did ok. Stephanie doesnt seem to be giving all she can. I think she can be the best but she holds back too much. So, overall, the night wasnt all that good, which is surprising since it was diana ross.

3:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like Kelly Pickler!!!!!
Country only tho... she isn't
Carrie Underwood by any means
but she has her own style..

4:51 PM  

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