American Idol
Final 2 Tonight!!
As you can imagine, myspace is going bonkers with all the bulletins from Jordin and Blake fans, urging people to seriously get out the vote tonight. When I logged on right now, this was at the top of My personal account bulletin list:
"Hello all my beautiful friends....if you don't know I am a huge fan of Jordin Sparks...I loved her since the auditions....tonight Jordin and Blake are battleing it out to become the next American Idol. Watch the show and the dial in your votes for the full 2 hours it is crucial...she has the voice of an angel.......please watch the show and vote for JORDIN SPARKS!!!
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And this one for Blake went out last night from the Blaker Girls:
"Hey Blakers!
Here is the last set of Vote For Blake banners! Pass them around like crazy! Special thanks to everyone who has made one all season. They've been so incredible!!!
Post these everywhere you can and get everyone to VOTE VOTE VOTE!
The Blaker girls "
"Hello all my beautiful friends....if you don't know I am a huge fan of Jordin Sparks...I loved her since the auditions....tonight Jordin and Blake are battleing it out to become the next American Idol. Watch the show and the dial in your votes for the full 2 hours it is crucial...she has the voice of an angel.......please watch the show and vote for JORDIN SPARKS!!!
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And this one for Blake went out last night from the Blaker Girls:
"Hey Blakers!
Here is the last set of Vote For Blake banners! Pass them around like crazy! Special thanks to everyone who has made one all season. They've been so incredible!!!
Post these everywhere you can and get everyone to VOTE VOTE VOTE!
The Blaker girls "
banner by anaface
banner by anaface
I'm sure I'll have more to share with you as the day goes on... Gotta get to work now though...
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