Idol Dish

All the Dish that's fit to print about American Idol!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Sanjaya Tribute

Carla found this video and posted it a while back, but with the events of the evening, I thought it was well worth bumping it up to the top for another look-see.

There's a saying in Big Brother, "Don't hate the player. Hate the game." It really applies here too. In this case, it's not Sanjaya we hate, it's the people who, with ill intent, make a mockery of the process, thereby depriving deserving singers of a shot at idol-dom.


Blogger kandra said...

this is funny! Love it!

7:32 PM  
Blogger LMC09 said...

I added this to my favorite on youtube!

6:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just in case you all missed it, Sanjaya was on David Letterman tonight and he gave a list of the top ten things he learned on Idol. They are as follows....

10. The camera adds 10 pounds to your mohawk.

9. Work hard and make sacrifices, you can finish in 7th place.

8. Its very important to "Keep it real, Dawg"

7. I should have gone for the Immunity Idol...Oh wait, that's "Survivor"

6. On Camera, Simon's a bit nasty, but off camera, he's a total jerk.

5. Voting for yourself 100 times an hour causes some wicked carpal tunnel. (that explains it!!)

4. When you forget the words, just do this (woo oo oo yes a de)

3. Honestly, I thought I was auditioning for "Are you smarter than a 5th grader."

2. Nothing

1. America loves performers with bad hair--right dave?

haha, i thought it was kinda funny, so i figured i would share...have a good one!

9:24 PM  

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