Idol Dish

All the Dish that's fit to print about American Idol!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Another One Bites the Dust 4-4 Elimination Show

No sooner do we find out Melinda, Lakisha and Jordin are safe (Yayyyyy!!!) than they announce Blake, Chris and (drumroll please) Sanjaya are also safe. Well, I'm 2/3rds happy with that one. However, that leaves Phil, Gina and Haley Scarnato in the bottom three. Hmm.. ok.. that's 1/3 not terribly disappointing. I have a bad feeling about this for Gina, and I really hope I'm wrong. And now we know Phil's safe, so the odd's aren't improving. 4 minutes left... just say it, Ryan.

The idol hopeful eliminated this week is: Gina. :(

Whatta load of crap! While it's no secret that I did not start out as a Gina fan, she and her voice really grew on me.

She's singing her song now, and they just cut to an extreme closeup of Sanjaya... uch. I wonder if hair boy is starting to feel any backlash from the other singers. Perhaps it's not direct, perhaps they';re not saying anything to his face, but there's gotta be some undercurrent of ill will brewing in his direction.

Granted, it's not his fault he's the annointed one. VFTW chose him, not the other way around, and then Stern jumped on the bandwagon, encouraging his following to be the ultimate show spoilers. Still... the other idols have got to be getting sick of it, and it's bound to be brewing some hard feelings in idol-land.

What are your thoughts?? We wanna know!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is total Bull***t! Gina does not deserve to go! She is the best! I will not vote for anyone else and I won't buy their music either...Idol is a joke! I'm done with it!

6:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!Gina did not deserve to leave!!!!!!!!!Haley and Sangina should have left from the begining....Those who are voting for those who lack less talent don't realize they are hurting other Contestants career oportunities...Please vote for the best.....

I really hope that Gina gets disovered and gets a record deal.

Much love for Gina and hope for success in her future...

7:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it sucks that Gina went before Haley and Sanjaya! I mean..Please!!! He is getting a fan base and it will be awful if he makes it all the way to the end. I just may stop watching after this season! if this is the way it's gonna be. The best vocalist get bumped because some jackasses thought it would be cool to vote for the worst. What about the sanctity and true value of truly talented artists? Sanjaya has got to go! I was in tears when they announced Gina! I thought for sure it was gonna be Haley! I've been so irritated with the voting that I have stopped! Perhaps if Sanjaya gets dumped next week than I may go back to voting. That's all for now! Molly

7:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sanjaya fan base must have 2 year old mentalities.. they are just old enough to dial... and stupid enough to dial for him...
This is a WTF...
Gina should be there a few more weeks, she has grown on me too...
I used to like Phil but last nits performance was terrible... Haley needs to go too....
Fox do something about this bull..
Pull a few strings... do something..

I like Melinda alot, but am rooting for Jordin!!!!

Debi (-:

7:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I am not happy at all that Gina left, I, like you Goldie, did not like her at first but she has gotten much better. I was very happy to see that the hair club for men was not in the top 3, that means there is a possibility that he wont make it to the final four, but I really wasnt surprised at all. I have said for the past couple weeks that Gina will get booted before her time because everyone was too busy voting for melinda and blake and jordin and lakisha that she would be forgotten until its too late. Well, perfect example, people were worried about chris leaving because of him being in the bottom 2 and his votes went up, Gina didnt get that chance. The voters need to ralize that just because someone that they like was safe one week, doesnt mean they are going to be safe the next. We should all take the entire 2 hours, if possible and vote many times for the good ones, maybe if everyone votes as much as they can for the good ones, then its possible that chia pet will go home. Please, dont let this happen to another good singer. Phil, Haley, & Sanjaya can go home, the rest of them need to stay until we get rid of them, so next week, I am begging all of you, spend 24 minutes each on Blake, Chris, Melinda, Lakisha and Jordin, lets split the time and vote for these guys to get rid of everyone else. If you dont want to give those 5 the same amount of votes, then take 20 minutes on 4 of them and spend the other 40 minutes on your favorite, but we gotta do something to overturn vote for the worst!!

9:09 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...


9:53 PM  
Blogger Jukagi said...

I am totally ticked off that Gina was sent home. This show has been very dissapointing for me this season. Straight from the start. I'm talking since Hollywood week. And now two weeks in a row my top favs get sent home. Season 5 was the best season yet and I highly doubt we will see another like it. With jokers like Howard Stern and vote for the worst, and now Adam Corolla,we will not see people with true talent win this show any more. One by one the best get sent home, with dreams and careers possibly ruined. I am truely torn if I should continue to watch or not. I still have Blake but, does it matter any more? I seriously doubt I'll watch any future seasons. Chris and Gina did NOT deserve to get sent home.

10:40 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

i tell ya.. i get no respect. ;) thanks for noticing, ameen.

11:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I Did Not like Gina, However She definately Did not Deserve That At all, This Is Plain And Simple Rediculous. The Show Is Becomming A Mockery And I Find it sad That Sanjaya's Father Is Jumping Around Like A fool When It Is Plain That He Was The Worst Of the Night, If Sanjaya By A Miracle could Belt out like Lakiesha or Melinda next week, My feelings would change, But I Truely Don't see That Happening! If I Was Haley or Sanjaya I truely Would Not Want to Stay On Idol Knowing That Much More Deserving Singers Should Stay. I Would Feel Weird And Embarassed and If Sanjaya Wins This thing, 2 Months Later All the Voters who truely were never fans in the first place will never buy his records and Idol Will Become no more.
sweet christine

7:47 AM  
Blogger Goldie said...

Carolyn....what are we gonna do about our Idol???? I still can't believe it was Gina over Haley...and yet I can believe at the same time! It's so becoming a cross between seasons 2 and 3 for me....the worst! I really began to love Gina and for the past 2 weeks she has shown that she can do a little more than just rock...she can really sing!

I have no ill feeling towards anyone who thinks Melinda is getting are entitled to your opinions...of course....mine is right! lol (Do I sound a little like Simon????) But I also agree....loving Jordin (my pick for most improved) and Blake who is really trying to show more than the craft he's most known for and I am really becoming more and more impressed with Chris. The rest are just fill ins for me until we get to the finale.

I agree with Ameen on a few things. It would have to be hard to be Sanjaya due to the undercurrent of backstage emotion that has to be happening and we'll never "see", but at the same time...he seems to be getting a little arrogant with his VFTW fan base. He seems to thrive on it and that may also cause problems for him later.

Haley is getting a little overconfident in her legs and I'm hoping this will be her downfall...because so far....that's all she has going for her!

To those who think Melinda will win.....don't think too hard...I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to see her exit early. I would be very upset, but that's how it has worked in the past. When I saw the 3 "divas" standing together...that was my first of the best is going. (although I do think one of the best did leave....I'll miss Gina)

American Idol, if it continues after this season, will probably re-think the voting simply because it has all become a big joke and even the judges can't hide their reactions anymore! That's pretty sad to me! I just hope that the top people will stay for the finals. I can say that if Melinda does exit early...she'll be the Chris Daughtry of the season. She's had exposure...she'll get a contract and will sell very well. People like Blake, Chris, Jordin and the now missing Gina need more exposure, but should do well after all is said and done. I will just be very, very disappointed in the whole thing if Sanjaya or Haley continues much further due to the whole "let's punk America" factor!

8:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, I agree Goldie and Carolyn, its all turning out to be a big joke and the producers need to step in, which i dont think will happen, i mean, just look at all the media attention they are getting, they are again setting records, those of us who want to see the best win are voting more and the ones that think its funny are voting more to keep the bad ones in. I do like melinda, dont get me wrong, I just wish the judges would say something more than we have nothing bad to say, give her some more comments, be a little creative, simon keeps saying that he cant say anything bad, what, is he that mean that he cant think of something good to say? Im not tired of melinda at all, i do love her, but like you said, i think she will be like Jennifer Hudson and everyone will think she is safe and vote for someone else, of course, on the other hand, everyone may have learned a lesson with Jennifer and are voting for her, who knows. I just think simon should come up with something other than, i have nothing bad to say. The thing I dont understand is why she is even on Idol, she was a back-up singer, why wasnt she discovered and given some kind of contract deal before, I mean, since the day she walked in the auditions she has been shining. I dont know, but Idol may not change anything because the way things are right now, they are getting more viewers and publicity than they ever have in the past, so they see it as a good thing. Us that are serious about the good people just have to step it up a notch and keep our favs in the running!

8:46 AM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

I would be absolutely crushed if Melinda made an early exit.

As I was watching the show this week, I was thinking, they could release a CD of all her live idol performances... and I'd be the first in line to buy it.

9:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you ladies seen the new site? is assigning one person to the different states to try to get rid of sanjaya. It is a good plan, but me, being from Indiana is assigned to Haley and I refuse to vote for her, I know, its just to get rid of sanjaya, but I think she should leave just as much as him, but I thought you all might want to go check it out if you havent already.

9:31 AM  

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