Idol Dish

All the Dish that's fit to print about American Idol!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The Top 8 Perform....Maybe....(Let's Hope for the Best!!!)

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  • RANDY: Another solid performance! Not your best, but still solid.
  • PAULA: Very sultry, smooth.....very subtle, sexy and beautiful!
  • SIMON: Well, it had to happen Melinda. I didn't like it. That song is all about personality. I found it very cabaret. Someone like you has to put on a WOW performance every week. I thought it was a bit lazy, a bit wooden.
  • CAROLYN: I love her! The voice goes without saying, but OMG, didn't she look gorgeous this week?!
  • GOLDIE: YAY!!! My favorite is first....and with one of my favorite songs! I have to say...this was the first time I heard a sour note from her! This was not her best by far! Still FABULOUS!! (She even attempted "sexy" well)


  • RANDY: You were having fun and made it your own! That was hot!
  • PAULA: I didn't feel it as much as Randy did and I felt it was a safe Lakisha performance. I want you to push for it.
  • SIMON: I agree with Paula. It's a fun performance song I don't know if people at home were having as much fun.
  • GOLDIE: Ricky Minor and the band are incredible!! Made me wanna dance!!! She was ok....but not her best. I have to say I had fun, but vocally it's just not a song that can show range.


  • RANDY: You did a really good job with that! You really came into your own at the end with the runs. It was hot.
  • PAULA: It was a hot performance!
  • SIMON: I'm not going to say it was the best I've ever heard, but I actually preferred it to the first 2, at least it was a good performance!
  • GOLDIE: One of my favorite songs!! Started out a bit rocky for me, but he has such potential.....I really like him! He made it his own!! I love the fact that he is still challenging himself and trying something new every week!


  • RANDY: For me...that was really karaoke for me! I could have been anywhere.
  • PAULA: It's not a singer's song, but a fun song!
  • SIMON: You've got a good tactic right now wearing the least amount of clothes as possible because you can't win it vocally!
  • GOLDIE: Who said she had good legs again??? Maybe she can just show her legs instead of sing.....wait....that's what she's doing, isn't it??? She's horrible....I would have rather heard Sanjaya! (I'll eat those words later...when I actually have to hear him!!)


  • RANDY: I don't know if was your didn't connect with the passion of that song.
  • PAULA: Vocally I thought it was really good!
  • SIMON: You chose a good song...It was all a bit flat and nothing I could get excited about.
  • GOLDIE: WOW!!!! He finally gave me goosebumps!!! I think he finally lived up to the voice I knew he had! Go Phil! Maybe he didn't live up to the "passion" as Randy said, but I loved his version of the song.


  • RANDY: That was hot!
  • PAULA: You just have a great time! You're adorable!
  • SIMON: The whole night has just been ok performances and there's been no progression for me.
  • GOLDIE: She gets better each week! Lovin' her!


  • RANDY: That song choice and hot performance!
  • PAULA: Very smart performance!
  • SIMON: Best performance of the night and best song choice of the night!
  • GOLDIE: My Blake is just too good!!! A little bit of the Marc Anthony vibe! I think he's my favorite tonight!


  • RANDY: You are one of the smartest contestants ever dude! That was actually good.
  • PAULA: Very, very nice.
  • SIMON: I couldn't understand a word of sang like a 14 year old and I'm going to hate myself for wasn't horrible!
  • GOLDIE: I have to say except for a few notes....this was pretty good for Sanjaya!

I think out of all the "guests" they've had this year, Jennifer Lopez has been the best! She had fun with each contestant, challenged them and gave them pointers that made sense! She really seemed to get a sense of each contestant and did a great job! Can't wait to see her perform tomorrow night!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh Goldie...I have to disagree with you on several points... 1) Jordin does not continue to get better each week... she gets worse. 2) Phil sounded AWFUL. 3) Melinda has become 100% boring. I don't care how good she can sing.

I do agree with you about Blake though. In the beginning Lakisha was my favorite. Blake has taken over that spot for me. And I have been right every single season as to which contestant will sell the most albums from that season. Last year I said it about Chris Daughtry early on. First season I said it about Kelly Clarkson before they even had a top 24. I said it about Clay Aiken (even though I don't like him and never did). And this year I'm saying it will be Blake. Just watch.

7:01 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

it's ok to disagree... but can you tell us your first name? :)

7:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Are you people blind? She is not sexy! She has a good voice, but she is boring


it was nothing special


He has the potential to be a great Back Street Boy


Gotta agree with the


ok, he did not give me's a little cute...but boring


The girl has potential...she's good for 17


He was ok...I like the song choice (cause I like the song anyway) He also has the potential to be a great Back Street Boy


Are you people freakin deaf???? He is not that good...don't encourage him!

Gina would have been hot, hot, hot tonight!!! She is going to be a huge star...wait and see!

7:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really liked Blake tonight.. Jordin was good, she is my choice to win this year...
I have to agree with anonymous with Phil being awful and Melinda being boring... Yes Melinda can sing but she is boring...
Haley's outfit stood out over her voice big time.. she needs to go soon... and Sanjaya's spanish singing is pretty good, but his eyes scare the hell out of me... they way he follows the camera with his eyes... eeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwww

So for me Blake rocked tonight!!

Debi (-:

9:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love Jordon

I love Blake

I even Like Sanjaya & always have LOL

I like entertainers.

Bye bye Phil or Haley

(Simone laid into Haley eh ?)
this Ameen I cant sign in for some reason

9:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, so I agreed with simon on pretty much everything tonight. Melinda is a great singer, but she didn't show it tonight. Lakisha has not gone out of her comfort zone, everything she sings is safe and she needs to step it up if she wants to win, alot of the others are passing her up. Chris didnt do the best tonight, he did good, but not as good as he has in the past. Haley hasn't left yet because of her looks, she knows what the guys want and she gives them more and more every week, cant wait to see what she will wear next week, anyone else thinking daisy dukes and as bikini top? Phil did good tonight, didnt really give me goosebumps, but he was better than some, I wouldnt mind seeing him leave though. Jordin was just ok this week, she is a great singer, but she didnt do as well this week as she has in the past. Blake was of course my favorite of the night, he is such a good singer and I think he is a great entertainer also, I just love him! Sanjaya was as always boring, his voice sounded better this week, but he was still boring, always is, always will be. But hey, maybe since he actually got some good responses this week, less people will vote for him and he may get booted! But, overall, Im not really seeing any improvement, just different songs. This is the top 8 and everyone of them sound the same way they did when they auditioned.. They need to show some kind of progression rather than just singing and hoping to stay on the show. I dont know, they just dont seem to be getting better or moving forward. JMO

9:46 PM  
Blogger CarolynBBDish said...

Was anyone else bothered by the dearth of Gloria Estefan music tonight? I found it a bit disappointing on a couple of fronts: 1. Her music isn't particularly vocalist driven - atleast not the songs they chose. So.. it's pointless to sing them in a SINGING competition.
2. JLo was the guest - i found it a bit rude no one could sing one of her songs.

9:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know what you mean, I thought the same about Gwen Stefani, what 2 people sang her songs? I think they should have to sing songs from the guest, I mean, that is what she specializes in right? But yeah, tonight was kinda boring, again, they need to pick some better songs or something, they just arent doing it anymore for me. Now, if Sabrina were still there, maybe her and Melinda would be battling it out and stepping it up, but Melinda really doesnt have much of a competition, so no one is really battling to win.

9:58 PM  

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