Idol Dish

All the Dish that's fit to print about American Idol!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Goldie's Take on Memphis

Although my name, Carolyn, appears at the bottom of this post, it is actually written by our dear friend Goldie... Here's her take on the Memphis round...

My best friend gave birth to my baby nephew today and the whole time she was in labor all we could think of was.....Can we get little Matthew here in time to recover before American Idol starts?? After 5 seasons and 2 weeks into season 6, you would think the baby would take the lead role in our lives...(and he did), but we have to start his little life off the right way and introduce him to the family's favorite show...after all he could be a future American Idol!!!

The new grandpa feels that Memphis is home of the next idol ....maybe we'll know in just a few minutes!!

Even though he isn't the worst singer ever, I hear Randy, Paula and Simon give "Franks and Beans" the news that he isn't through to Hollywood, I can't help but wonder if Matthew will be a fan or not based on the first audition. At least Frank Byers, Jr. was a gracious loser and gave us a beautiful smile and kind attitude after being disappointed....not a bad start to the evening. least for us...Simon seems to be having a bad day....Oh, wait...isn't that a normal day for him??

Lost in translation.....Timika Sims attempts to sing several songs to impress the judges. Don't feel bad, Simon....I couldn't understand a word she said or sung either. I think Carolyn said it best....."My ears are bleeding!!"

Chris Rivera just scared me and Alexis Partee was a... parteepooper. Did the schools where the last 3 contestants go teach enuncuation???

I was blue until Jason "Sundance" Head sang the blues. WOW!!! Love him! (Grandpa may be right about Memphis after all)

Wandera Hitchye did not take the news that she was not going through to Hollywood very well. Nice voice, nothing special. In all fairness, I liked her better than some contestants that have made it through in the past.

So far Elvis' "Don't Be Cruel" takes on a new meaning for me....and that wasn't directed to the judges!!

Travis McKinney sings a song from the heart about his girlfriend for the judges...if baby Matthew is awake and can see this, he'll be in therapy for several years to come!

Danielle McCullough sings Aretha Franklin and gets a nod from Simon and Paula, but not Randy.....will she be gone the first day like Randy said???

Day 2 dawns with a new hope for Paula fan, Christopher "Topher" McCain, whose wife recently left him. (Another sad story we hope turns out well...fingers crossed). Will he be able to sing Toby Keith's "How Do You Like Me Now" after this is over? Nope....He "Footloosed" his way out the door, but not before he made Simon's day by say "sweet ;)" things about his wife on tv. Don't worry,'re still more famous than your ex!!!

Innocent, clean, well put together, conservative and very sexy (her words) Janita Burks sang "Disco Inferno", but burned a different impression in the judges mind!! I'm sure the almost wardrobe malfunction led to Simon's opinion that she was a handful!!

Fidel Castro can sing!!! Wait, Sean Michel,....I'm confused!!! But he's through.....Viva American Idol Revolution! (I didn't see the talent...but maybe later for me...or were the judges scared not to put him through?)

A very nervous background vocalist, Melinda Doolittle, exploded to the front of the pack with a powerful audition and showed she should not be shoved to the back anymore. I agree with Simon.....BRILLIANT!!!!! My new fave. (I hope my nephew is watching)

Self proclaimed Elvis sound-alike (or did he say move-alike??) Robert Lee Holmes, sings, dances, acts and he writes stories...that end in a period....(his words) sang an Elvis song. Thank goodness his audition did not end with "Welcome to Hollywood"!!!!

During the bad singer montage that we are so accustomed to, one contestant said she had forgotten her medication....I think I may have forgotten mine as least I need some now! Is there a doctor in the house??? I somehow don't think Elvis would ever sing "Burning Love" again if he were still alive!!!

New daddy, Philip Stacy, missed the birth of his second baby girl to audition. At the last minute, he chose to swith his first Marvin Gaye choice to Stevie Wonder (probably to his wife's relief) and was able to take the good news back that he was through to Hollywood! And how sweet was it that AI showed us the baby???

Speaking of babies....I'm back to the hospital to spoil my new nephew!! I'll be back tomorrow night for the always thrilling New York!!

Until then......


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