San Antonio Auditions
San Antonio... the last stop on the Idol Torture Tour. Hallelujah!
With the exception of tomorrow night, which looks like a big roundup of terror and dissonance, all episodes that follow will actually feature singers. What a concept! A singing competition where the people on tv can... SING!
I know I'm ready.
Now with the re-cap of the last torture drill, which even I have to admit, was the least offensive of the 7, is Goldie.
Take it away, Goldie!!
American Idol - San Antonio, TX
by Goldie
We are finally at the end of the road for the city to city auditions.....HALLELUJA!!!! At first, it's exciting and funny.....then it's a little annoying....then finally....AAUUGGGHHHH!!!!! Let's get this show on the road already!!!
After last week's vcr malfunction, I was unable to re-cap the Los Angeles auditions and like you said Carolyn...I was saved from a lot of pain. Of course, glutton for punishment that I am...I had to watch, so my Sunday afternoon found me in front of the tv. Loved the other backup singer, Brandon Rogers...ya know the one who sang "Always On My Mind"....obviously he's still on my mind!!
I don't understand the use of the costumes!! I'm assuming it's supposed to grab the judges attention, but come on.....a cowgirl bull and a banana??? I just hope they didn't give up their job at Steak and Shake....obviously, they were on their least I hope!! (Do you think they quit their job?? and can Simon call and get their jobs back like last season??)
The one who got to me the most?? Sherman Pore!! There have always been moments during American Idol past that have brought tears to my eyes, but none have come close to the "audition" Sherman Pore gave. It was obvious he was over the age limit, but he told the story of how his petition to sing for the judges helped keep his wife's spirits up while she was dying from cancer. Unfortunately, she passed away 2 days before his audition. I could only think of how blessed they were to have each other as he sang "You Belong To Me". With mixture of joy and sadness, I realized, that this is my American Idol. We are now in in search of the runner up. Thanks to the AI people for sharing such a wonderful man with us! (Can anyone else imagine what it must be like to be loved like this??? AWW)
Enough about last's time to visit San Antonio! I wonder how we'll "Remember the Alamo" tonight?? Somehow...I don't think it will be in a good way!
Bryan Kyrish, who won a mock American Idol?? Maybe he should wait for RockStar and Dave Navarro?? (Was he really shorter than Ryan??) I bet jet-lagged Simon was awake after that "Rebel Yell"!!
How adorable was, Haley Scarnato in her "Solid Gold" dancer jumpsuit? I was so happy she had the whole package!!! She totally made me love her!!! Hopefully she'll bring some originality to Hollywood and move forward to the top 24 at least. (I like to see the nice ones go far)
Jasmine Holland is going to spend the rest of her life trying to find a tune....would anyone else hate to have to listen to this in church every weekend??? Anyone else feel like we should pray?? (Maybe it's just me needing forgiveness....I had bad thoughts during her audition) Again....this is a voluntary audition process...why are they so mad when they are told the truth? This is a very cut-throat business and we really don't see how "mean" people can be on television. Have they never seen the show before...and the judges...maybe not the most talented people, but obviously very successful. And do they have a school where they live??? "He should go back to British??" UMMMMM........
Baylie Brown....loved her!! I can see her much later in her career...she has a little work to do, but she deserves a shot! The female version of 1/3 of last season's "Brokenote Cowboys". Anyone else remember Garrett?
It's not just me....THERE REALLY IS A DOOR PROBLEM!!! Sorry....I drifted a moment!
Cousins, Akron Watson and William Green, could only talk about their family's "Amazing Grace"....I wish William had stopped there....that was worse than most funerals! I can only hope his cousin is better! (He looks like a great friend....anybody want to hang out?) I think Akron really believed his "enraged exit"! Akron turned out to be the better singer....maybe we'll at least get to see William in Hollywood supporting Akron!! (I have a feeling we will) I like them both...I'm going with Simon on the first song....if he had his cousin's personality and his voice....WOW! (Second song was much better)
LaRissa Curry, Deborah Tyler were just 2 of the nightmares I will have for the rest of my life so when music teacher, Sandie Chavez, assured us all that she was good enough to sing for the mayor of Houston, I just knew we were in for a treat. How drunk was he or where was he being held prisoner....must have been an election year and his reaction would be the deciding factor! It's funny.....I cried as much as Sandie did!
Ashlyn Carr was beaten up in school for her vocal ability....she was ok...kind of Anita Bakerish....good voice.....could not understand a word she said ...a bit of a mush mouth...what was with the faces?? I think I would have taken her over some of the past auditioners. This is a first....the judges asked for her to come back in....she's through!!! I hope she can break some habits!
Remember bush baby Kenneth Briggs from the Seattle auditions??? I think we just saw his brother!! Jake "the snake" Tutor tormented me with his song.....he seemed a little upset! Did anyone else notice??? Maybe he was in that dark bedroom too long!
Jimmy McNeal or rather Ruben's mini-me sang "Cupid"......OMW>>>>>LOVED HIM!!!! He can sing to me for the rest of my life!! How about that smile?? I think his little sister said it best at the wrap up of the audition...when he yelled "I'm going to Hollywood" she came out lol So..... tomorrow night ....since we haven't seen enough of the bad we get to see more of the worst of the worst....YAY! (They also said the best of the best...we may get to see 2 good people tomorrow night....but don't hold your breath!!)
Until then!!
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