Idol Dish

All the Dish that's fit to print about American Idol!

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Los Angeles Audition

Apologies for the delay in getting the blog up and posted in it's proper place tonight. Blogger did an upgrade, and due to our VOLUMINOUS posting on last season's Big Brother 7 AllStars, it took 7 hours to complete the switchover from the beta version to this new and improved version of blogger... For the moment, i don't actually see the difference yet, but here we go with the American Idol Los Angeles Audition Blog! Thank you for your patience!!

Ever feel like you're on a road trip that just wont end? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? That's how I felt tonight, so I decided early on not to give any more time ot the people that couldn't sing. Bad enough they wasted my time during their auditions. Bad enough they caused me actual pain that had me squinching up my face...

21 people made it through from day 1. Another 19 made it through from day 2. Count with me here. That's a total of 40. How many did we see? A grand total of 3: Elena Alexander; Brandon Rogers, and repeat offender Brian Miller.

Frankly, due to the peculiar editing choices of the production team, the golden ticket winners were almost a complete wash, but.. as a woman... I have to give a great big AMEN to Brandon Rogers. Yum. Heartthrob with a killer voice & tremendous control. I'm picking him as a front runner. He is the total package.

Next up, San Antonio. Are we there yet?


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