Idol Dish

All the Dish that's fit to print about American Idol!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Oh Dear Lord

Pain. Cruel and Unusual Punishment. Oh Dear Lord, Make it stop!!

With very few exceptions, that was the first night of American Idol #6. And tomorrow night in Seattle is supposed to be even worse, according to the previews.

This is why I usually don't watch the first couple weeks of Idol. But since we started the blog, I feel duty bound.

A couple of interesting things did happen tonight. More than a couple. First off, forgive me I can recall her name, the 16 year old "crack baby." Based simply on her background story, I was rooting for her, and I was really pleased she made it through. Next, the 2 military contestants. I wonder, now 5 years and a couple months since 9-11, if they'll have the same support base as Josh had. Lastly, being from South Florida, the Colombian girl was a kick for me... where I live, she IS the typical girl next door, so I'm rooting for her too.

Honestly, at the moment, I'm just feeling a bit tortured by the process. I wish they focused a bit more on the positives and saved the particularly awful for quick montages.

And you?


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